The truth is revealed

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Luke's POV

When I was about to reveal my identity to Julie. Someone shouted my name and I turned my head to the sounds direction.

???: LUKE?!

The person who was standing there was Trevor. And he was mad. Really mad.

Luke: Julie?

Julie: Yeah?

Luke: Run!

I grabbed Julie's hand and we started running. I saw that Trevor was running after us and I gotta admit, for a guy who just lays around the house all day, he is a really fast runner. We ran as fast as we could until we stumbled upon an alleyway and an abandoned corner. We took a turn and hide from him. I saw him looking around and went straight forward. Me and Julie came out and saw a red door next to us.

Luke: In here.

We went inside of the building and saw that we were at backstage of the Orpheum. I looked around and it's everything I imagine it will be. But I have to focus on Julie right now.

Luke: So...

Julie: So...

Luke: Look about that-

Julie: Is your real name Luke?

Luke: *sighs* Yeah it is.

Julie: As in the Luke who got me to sing again?

I reached up to my mask and took it off so that Julie can see my real face. When I look up, she has a shocked look on her face. She definitely didn't expect it to be me.

Luke: Look, I know you didn't expect me to be, well me. But I just want to let you know that the day I left that café, I couldn't stop thinking about you. When I close my eyes, all I can see is you. And I was risking everything just so I can see you, Julie. I was going to the Ball with my step-dad, Trevor and yeah you probably know him but other than that he lied about me coming and me and my friends formed a plan to come to that party undetected. And when I saw you, I just knew I fell in love with you and I never wanted to leave. But I had to because I didn't want to get in more trouble with my step-dad so I have to leave. But not a moment stopped when I think about you.

Julie kept walking closer and closer to me when I finished my speech. My tears were watering and she wiped my tear away. But I'm still afraid of what she will say.

Luke: Please say something, Julie. Anyth-

I was cut off by Julie when she put her lips against mine. I kissed back and it felt like I was in heaven. It's like our lips are made for each other and I wouldn't have it anyother way. She pulled away and we put on the biggest smiles on our faces. She put her hands on my cheek and stare deeply in my eyes.

Julie: Deep down, I wanted my prince charming to be you. And now that I know it's you, I can stop searching because I fell in love with you too. And I don't want to lose you again.

Luke: Me too.

Julie: But there is one thing I want you to do.

Luke: Name it.

Julie: Can I PLEASE have your phone number?

We both laughed and leaned in for a kiss. But we were interrupted by someone clapping.

Trevor: Well well well, look what we have here. My worthless stepson and my ticket to fame are both here in the same room together.

I grabbed Julie's hand and we try to go to the door we entered from but it was blocked by security. I try looking for a way out but they were all guarded by security. We were trapped. Trevor kept walking forward to us and I pulled Julie behind me.

Trevor: Thank you Luke for bringing Julie Molina. Today will be the perfect place for her to join to Covington Records.

Luke: You really think I'm going to let you force her just so you could get a bigger paycheck? Yeah not a chance.

Trevor: Oh I know she is. You wanna why?

He leans forward to my ear.

Trevor: Because I know she doesn't want to see her so called prince charming get hurt.

He backed up and snapped his fingers. Once he did that, the security guards came from behind and dragged me away from Julie.

Julie: Let him go!

Trevor: Are you gonna agree?

Julie: Heck no! Once I get out of here, I'm going to tell the whole media about you and your threats.

Trevor: I think you are going to change your mind when you see this.

He grabbed Julie's shoulder and turned her around so she's facing me. Trevor snapped his fingers again and one of the security guards came forward and punched me in the face. I kept getting punched in the face until I heard Julie shout.


Trevor looked pleased with himself and told them to let me go. I dropped to the floor with alot of pain and didn't have the strength to get up.

Trevor: Okay, now let's get down to business. I have a contract waiting on that table for you to sign it.

Julie: Can I have a minute with Luke for a moment?

Trevor: *groans* Fine whatever just make it quick.

I saw Julie running up to me and hugged me. She holds my face and I can see the tears in her eyes.

Julie: Are you okay?

Luke: Yeah I'm fine. But Julie you can't do this, this isn't right.

Julie: I know but I just don't want to see you get hurt. And that's why I have a plan.

Luke: In the middle of a hostage situation?

Julie: Just trust me, okay? All you need to do is to pressed this button when I give you the signal. Okay.

She handed me a black stick with a red button on top. I can already tell what it is so I kept it hidden in my pocket. She got up and walked towards Trevor. I just hope her plan works.



My gift to you is a new chapter for this story. I hope you like it and make sure to comment or vote on this story.

Byeeeeeeeeeeeee 😁

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