Acceptable Losses

Start from the beginning

Shaw: You and me have nothing to discuss.


Kane: I have some unfortunate news. Karina's dead. She was Louwoda Kliron Kru, so the rites will be performed this afternoon. Together, we can make sure that her death will not be in vain.


BELLAMY: My sister never approved of human testing. I don't care how crazy it's become down here.

Elena: Desperation has a way of making the unimaginable a necessity.

Bellamy: Still, if she weaponizes those things and sends them into the valley, then Echo, Raven, Murphy, Kane, your mom--

Monty:Not just them. All of us. Unleashing an invasive species on the last arable land on earth is a monumentally bad idea.

Bellamy: Even if Octavia does know, she won't listen to me. We need help.

Elena: Be diplomatic.

Bellamy: Yeah.

Monty:Elena, he was there when Pike shot her and killed 300 of her people.

Elena rolled her eyes.

Elena: I'll go with him.

Monty: Yeah. I'll relieve Harper.

Bellamy: Can I talk to you privately?

Elena:: Hey, we need to talk to Indra.

Nobody moved, Elena put her hands on the table.

Elena:Get out.

They left.

Bellamy: Real diplomatic. Indra, would Cooper do something without my sister's approval?

Indra: Only if she got mine first, but since I don't know what the hell you're talking about, it's hard to say.

Elena: She brought back the worms.

Bellamy: She's breeding them, experimenting on defectors. One of them is still alive.

Indra: Why would she do that?

Elena: My guess trying to find a way to keep them dormant long enough to deliver them in the next defection.

Indra: Good plan. Show me.



Raven: I'm alone. Told them I don't do funerals.

Shaw: What the hell do you want? Letting Murphy go bit me in the ass. McCreary and two of our people are missing, and now Diyoza's starting to question my loyalty, so make it quick, or I'm leaving.

Raven: I want to be useful here. I can't be locked up anymore.

Shaw: Useful how?

Raven: When I was on your mothership, I saw the hythylodium tanks. They're almost full, thousands of tons. Just one drop, and I can power up this entire village. If you fly me up there--

Shaw: Hythylodium is killing everyone it came into contact with, so bringing it down here just may be the worst idea I've ever heard.

Raven: So what if Diyoza questions your loyalty? How could you be loyal to someone who collars people like animals, tortures them, someone who killed your crew? I saw her file. She murdered hundreds of innocent people, blew up government buildings just because she didn't like their policies. Shaw, you're good. I can see it in your eyes.

Shaw: When I was a kid after the battle of San Francisco, I watched the evacuation on tv, thousands of refugees being packed into aircraft carriers. I remember seeing soldiers pushing helicopters overboard just to make more room, and Diyoza was there. She was the one giving the orders. The machines were expendable, but the people weren't, but up in space when we reported that the miners were getting sick, Eligius saw it differently. Order Eleven came down "bring home the hythylodium. Leave the prisoners," like they were garbage. Captain Stevens agreed, and I didn't.

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