Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold

Start from the beginning

Amicia came out of the nursery. "You're not going to wake them?" Gia asked concerned as she stood outside the door.

"I can't scare them. Just tell them mommy and daddy had to take a quick trip and should be back in a few weeks. You don't have to lie, but let them know we're coming back. I'll make sure of it."

She and Firmin went upstairs to the study. Amicia had him pack several herbs, alchemical mixtures, and a particular special ingredient. She ran outside to the horse the barn hand was holding for her. Gia had joined Firmin outside, too concerned to stay still. They both followed her looking fearful. She was sure they wanted to stop her but knew it was no use.

Moreau arrived just as she was getting ready to mount up on the horse. "Lady Amicia!! Is it true?? Did they take Lucas?"

"Yes, and I'm about to follow them."

"By yourself??" He sputtered.

"Yes, it's the fastest way. Don't worry, I'll be alright. I've already wasted too much precious time."

He got down from his own horse to approach her. "This is far too dangerous to do on your own, dear girl."

She patted his hand reassuringly. "I'll be fine, I promise. I have a plan."

Looking skeptical, he shook his head. "Lucas would not want this, Lady de Rune. He would insist someone go with you at least!"

"They killed the one person I would take with me..." she growled.

"Gerard is readying a horse now to go with you Lady de Rune." Ignace interjected as he marched up to the group bringing one of their guards with him. Amicia knew Gerard well enough to know that he was capable warrior and more importantly a fast rider.

"Very well. It is decided." Nodding, she turned to get on her horse.

Gia and Firmin stood to the side, both looking like they wanted to do something. Knowing the feeling of helplessness they were probably feeling, she paused before getting on the horse and looked back at them. She walked over and embraced them both. "Thank you, both. I couldn't do this without you. Please guard my children with your lives. I promise we'll come back."

They nodded, Gia with tears in her eyes.

"Please be safe, Lady Amicia. You're the only family we have."

Firmin nodded in agreement. "Don't do anything unnecessary, My Lady. Master Lucas wouldn't want that."

She touched both their cheeks in affection. "Don't worry, I'll be back. I promise. We'll both be."

Amicia got on her horse and gave one last look at the small group and the house. Gerard trotted up on his horse with packed bags and his spear strapped to his back. Waving goodbye, the pair started galloping out of Paris. She didn't look back. There was no more time. Lucas couldn't wait.


Lucas finally came back into consciousness. He vaguely remembered the young pregnant woman begging for help at the gate, and then he was knocked out from behind. By who he wasn't sure. But he had a sinking feeling he might know. He only knew of one person to use such a dirty trick to draw him out. And he had fallen for it like an idiot.

The first thing he noted when he came to was he was in a carriage of some sort. He heard horses and he knew they were moving at a break neck speed. Wherever they were heading, it was almost as if they were being chased. Lucas could guess what or rather who they might be running from. He couldn't see a thing, however, because he was blindfolded on top of being gagged.

They'd only give him the bare minimum of food and water, removing his gag only long enough to keep him alive, and they rarely stopped except to switch out horses. He would try to ask questions when his gag was removed, but they only stuffed his face with bread and water. Whoever this was was powerful because it didn't appear they needed sleep if they were having people switch out.

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