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They sat and talked for several hours about the new order. Magister Moreau had several good suggestions, and they made plans to meet with similarly trustworthy families in France and possibly Spain and Italy. Maybe even Portugal.

"Is it just you two here, or are you here with a group?"

"We're here with a woman who helped us over a decade ago during the end of the Plague. Her name is Sophia." Lucas answered.

"Well, bring them all in! You can stay here tonight!"

"Are you sure?" Amicia asked a little shocked.

"Absolutely! Lucas mentioned you plan on doing some macula searching tomorrow, but at least stay here tonight!"

"Is that young man still here who brought me in?" Amicia asked.

"I believe so."

"Let me go tell him to bring the rest of the crew here."

Magister Moreau nodded, and Amicia walked out to find Tomas.

He was waiting in the same place she had left him, and she was shocked to see him still there. "Tomas? Why are you still here?"

"What kind of gentlemen would leave a lady knight?" He smirked.

Amicia didn't like how easily she was blushing these days. Of course, compared to Lucas, Tomas barely registered on her scale. "Very well. Can you tell Sophia Magister Moreau has invited us to stay tonight?"

Tomas' eyebrow rose. "All of us?"


"Very good. I'll go tell Sophia. Don't let Lucas steal you away while I'm gone okay?"

He winked as she flushed bright red. "Tomas!"

He laughed as she yelled at him, and he practically skipped out the door. She may be twenty-five years of age, but she still very much felt like a young girl with her inexperience in men. She had run into unsavory men over the last decade, and she knew how to get out of sticky situations. She'd even met a few flirtatious men whose advances were completely lost on her. She had never felt a thing... till now. And she didn't like it one bit. It was entirely too distracting. And it was all thanks to a dark haired, blue eyed young man in the other room...


Lucas sighed as Anna yet again had launched into talks of her adventures in high society over the last few years. She had always been a social butterfly, and she seemed determined to impress him with her many suitors and parties. Unfortunately for her, Lucas cared not for any of this. In fact, he rather abhorred it all. He had tried to give her hints before, but they had been lost on her.

His senses heightened, however, as soon as a certain de Rune entered the room again. He vainly wished he could just drop Anna and go to Amicia, but he knew that would be rude and unhelpful with their current alliance. They needed as much help as they could get. It didn't help that Amicia seemed to be ignoring him completely now.

The rest of the crew joined them soon, and dinner was served. They all sat at a very long table in a beautiful dining hall the likes of Amicia hadn't seen since her old house. Magister Monreau was very invested in the stories Sophia had to tell him. He was laughing boisterously about the fight she and Lucas had on the ship just a few short weeks ago.

"I didn't know you'd become such a knight, Lucas!"

Lucas glanced at Amicia and grinned. "I had a good teacher."

To his pleasure, she blushed. "You're a quick study, Lucas."

"Though I have nothing on you."

"That's not true! We never would have made it as far if it weren't for your alchemy!"

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