🌳: . . .

🏹: I feel 3rd wheeled

🌳: Same here

🌊: Why do you want to know how my tower was build anyways?

🔥: Because-

🌙: Guys look...

🌙: It's a Meteor shower

🌊: Oh...pretty


🏹,🌳: *admiring the view from the top of the tower*

🌊: Wow they went up just to see the meteor shower-

🌙: I know right? Cmon let's go to my moon it's a better view from up there!!

🌊: Okay

*They both went to moonlight's moon and looked at the breathtaking view of the meteor shower*

🌙: This is a one in a lifetime moment too!

🌊: Ohh

🌙: So it's rare that we saw this event! Isn't it beautiful?

🌊: Yeah...very beautiful...

🌙: You want to see something?

🌊: Sure

🌙: Let's go down...

*They both went down and away from the tower*

🌙: I've been seeing this kind of flow and I want to give it to you :)

🌊: Oh? What are these?

-She grabbed the bouquet of a sort or... special flower-

🌙: Aren't they pretty?

🌊: Oh my..

🌙: Hopefully you won't mind taking them cause I already knew a place full of these

🌙: But these are very quite unique

🌊: They sure are..

🌙: So..will you accept them?

🌊: . . .

🌙: I'm sorry if this is a bad timing...

🌊: It's not that

🌙: Wait, your going to take the flowers?

🌊: Yes because, how could I declined on a beautiful bouquet of these kinds?

🌙: :)

🌊: And we should probably go back before they get suspicious

🌙: that is true... alright then

*They both went back with the others on the tower surprisingly they were at the top*

🔥: Mwuhahhaahha

🏹: When will you learn to be respectful?!

🌳: I don't think he will though

🌙: Hey guys were back

🌳: What took you two so long? The meteor shower is over

🌙: I know

🏹: So will you mind telling us why you two are 2 hours late?

🌙: Uhm...

🌊: It's a secret okay?

🔥: ooOo I smell something suspicious!!

🌊: No there's nothing to be suspicious of-

🏹: I just noticed when did you have that kinds of flowers?

the flower field filled with legends historical moments.. Season 1 [cookie run]Where stories live. Discover now