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Time skip-1 month later-
It's now end of January , after christmas break, all the lads come back but unfortunately 2 days before the knockout match, we had heavy snow which meant all the football games have been postponed as it snowed daily for about a week, which meant we didn't get clear until about 2 and half weeks. Unfortunately the snow caused damage and chaos on the roads, so for safety reasons all games for the Euros we're postponed.
This means our stay at SGP has been extended. However, everyone had so much fun in the snow, we built snowmen, made snow angels and had daily snowball fights. We spent evenings watching films with hot chocolate. We all made good memories together.
It's been a long week this week, Jordan and I have been bickering more about silly things, it's not even his fault. I've been pushing him away all week, last Friday I realised I was late for my period like 4/5 weeks late. So much has happened, I completely forgot and didn't realise the date. I've been to the shops, to buy a pregnancy test, I'm so scared right now. I know I should've spoken to Jordan about it but this wasn't in our plans right now.
His career is going amazingly, playing for England and being captain of Liverpool. We've only been together 8 months, I know he'll be an amazing dad if I am but I'm scared as I don't know how he'll react, how my dad will react and I'm not ready for all the hate.
As I'm walking back to my room, I see my dad. I smile at him, then he says "Amy, you've been crying what's happened sweetie" he hugs me and I cry again. He walks me to my room and we sit down. I say "I'm so sorry dad. I don't want you to be mad or disappointed in me" I say remembering our previous conversation a little while ago. "Amy darling, none of that is ever possible, tell me what happened and I'll see if I can help you" he says hugging me so I decide to be brave and just say it."I might be pregnant dad, I'm sorry" he hugs me tighter, offering a small smile "Oh darling, have you told Jordan?" I shake my head "not yet, I don't know how he will react, I only brought the tests today" he nods understanding. "Go take them, should I get Jordan" he says and I shake my head. "Not yet, can you wait with me for the results please?" I ask and he nods and says "of course darling."
10 minutes later we're looking at 2 positive tests, it works out I'm about 8 weeks. "Are you okay sweetie?" Dad says and I shrug "I don't know dad, I'm scared, I don't know how Jordan will react, also the hate I'll get online and what if I'm bad at it" I ramble on and he hugs me "darling, it's normal to be scared, Jordan is a good lad, he'll be shocked and scared too but I'm sure he'll be happy. You're not alone and neither will this baby. You'll be an amazing mother, Jordan will be a great dad and it'll have grandad too" I hug him then say "you're not mad" he laughs "no darling, it can't always be helped. I'm proud of you. I think you should talk to Jordan" he says and I hug him tight. "Dad can you send him up please?" I ask

Jordan POV:
We're all waiting for Gareth to come back. I'm not feeling myself today as this weeks been quite hard with Amelia, I've barley seen her this week, she's been in a weird mood, it's like we've been bickering over really small things.
"You alright Hendo, you don't seem yourself today?" I hear Madders ask, as he walks over with Dec and Mase. I nod and give them a small smile "I'm alright, just worried about Ames, she's been in a weird mood this week, she's not been herself." I say, then Mase adds "we've noticed that too, I've asked her but she keeps saying she's fine." The boys offer me a small sympathetic smile.
Gareth is back and we're all called over by one of the coaches. I see Gareth looking at me and he says "Jordan, come here a minute please" I nod telling him I'm coming now, the boys all look at me worriedly and Madders says "what you done bro?" I shrug back at him then walk to Gareth. "Jordan, can you go upstairs to your room, Amy needs to talk to you." He says and I rush inside.
As walk through the door I can tell she's been crying, I hug her tightly, "oh baby what happened? Your dad sent me up here" I say worriedly as she hugs me back and then says "J,promise me you could never be mad or hate me" I look at her confused "Ames, I could never hate you baby. Just talk to me, tell me what's wrong" I say and she takes a deep breath before showing me two positive pregnancy tests. My eyes widen and I say "Ames are you pregnant?"
She nods "yeah, about 8 weeks, you're not mad or anything?" she says questioningly. I hug her and kiss her "of course not baby, it's amazing. I'm going to be a dad" I say and I've got tears falling now.
After 20 minutes, we head back downstairs, as we get to the pitch, Gareth comes up and hugs me "congratulations son" he says and I thank him.
I head back to training. "What's all that about bro?" Madders says and I reply "oh nothing it's all sorted now" and we carry on for the last 3 hours of training.

Amelia POV:
I'm watching the boys train and it still don't feel real. Dad comes and sits next to me, "you okay sweetie?" He says and I nod back "yeah dad, it just doesn't feel real is all" he hugs me and says "it will take a while but I was exactly the same with you" I smile at how fondly he's talking about it.
At dinner, once everyone is sitting, I stand up and say "boys, first of all I'd like to apologise for my mood recently. I've been a proper bitch to all of you and I'm sorry" they all laugh but say it's okay. Then I say "J, stand up please" he stands and the boys look confused. So I continue "as you're all here and you boys are like family to us. We wanted you all to be the first to know baby Henderson is coming in August." The room erupts into cheers, they all hug and congratulate us. Madders hugs me tightly "congratulations Amy. I'm so proud of you both" I hug him back and reply "it just doesn't feel real" he laughs then Dec raises his eyebrows and says "hang on, due in August. That means your about 2 months nearly so it was around your birthday... Wow, J really has given you a memorable present" all of us laugh.
Soon everyone is back seated and Mason stands up and says "Right, we have all only got soft drinks but let's raise a glass to Ames and Jordan,on the amazing news of Baby Henderson" they all raise their glasses and cheer. We spend the evening, chatting and laughing. It's like we're one big family, once the games are finished. I'm going to be so lost without these boys.

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