One for The Road

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"Hey, can I ask a favor?"

Max looked up at the latest comic book she was reading to her sister. Slightly perturbed by the interruption.

She found herself leaning towards DC these days than Marvel. Lucas, her doofus boyfriend, had recommended the DC comics she should read. He was slowly winning some brownie points after he threw up on her new Vans when her sister picked him up after he got drunk at a party with his loser friends from the basketball team.

"Depends," Max replied coolly.

Jensen threw her a pointed look as she stepped further into her room. Max thought it would be weird having a sister. She had already felt betrayed when her mother informed her of her new boyfriend after her father passed away. She couldn't fathom the idea of her mom already moving on to someone that wasn't her dad. Max had been angry and confused at the idea of her mom replacing her dad. Then she was told she may be getting a new sister. It embarrassed Max with how she treated Derek and Jensen, especially Derek. It took her a while to realize he had no intention of replacing her dad or even being her dad.

He just wanted to be her friend and a support system. And now, she did consider him a dad. She learned she could have more than one dad. Her mom was happy with Derek more than she ever saw with her own father, Max realized. She also knew just because Derek has become a father to her she wasn't replacing her dad. He would want her to be happy and know someone loved her as if she was their own flesh and blood. Besides, it got her a sister too.

It helped with the transition and blending of families that she and Jensen did hold common interests from skateboarding, comics, and movies.

"So Keith at the arcade is being an ass and you know Eddie has that Metallica concert coming up," Jensen began, "Do you think you could go with him?"

Max looked at her sister as if she was insane. Go to a Metallica concert out of her own free will. She got a headache at the thought of Eddie pressing play on his stereo as he listened to their albums. She did know how Wayne dealt with it.

It wasn't as if she didn't like Eddie. He drove like a maniac and didn't know the meaning of sitting still. It was just he was her sister's boyfriend and it immediately made him annoying most days.

"Why can't he go himself? He's a big boy?" Max asked. She didn't think Eddie would want to be in charge of babysitting her when he could be having a blast jamming out to his headache-inducing music. Or he could take Dustin or Steve. Somebody else. She's pretty sure Jonathon wouldn't mind going.

"Because I want him to have fun. He's been so excited and I don't want him to go alone."

"So you think he is going to have fun with me?" Max asked for clarification. It wasn't as if she and Eddie needed any more bonding time together. They both did their respective jobs in annoying the shit out of each other for the sake of things.

"He would love it especially since I can't go," Jensen told her. Max looked at her sister skeptically especially as she did her puppy dog eyes and pouty lip. She was going in for the kill. "Besides, I already asked Mom and Dad and they said it was cool and you can skip school on Wednesday."

Say no more, Max was sold.

After the nausea-inducing goodbyes Max was forced to see between her sister and Eddie, the two had begun the journey to Indianapolis. They were acting like he was being deployed and wouldn't see each other for months.

She had teased Eddie for actually driving the speed limit for once.

He rolled his eyes as he popped in a Metallica cassette tape to get them amped for the concert. If Eddie was bummed Jensen couldn't come to the concert with him he didn't show it. She was given the biography of Metallica. If Eddie had given this much attention in school he wouldn't be repeating his senior year. Although, Max had a theory that Eddie only failed last year to graduate with Jensen. The things boys did when they were in love.

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