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Angst story prompts, conversation prompts, plot twists and the cliché stuff. <3

I will be using the names "Michael" and "Xavier" as the names in the scenarios.

Story prompts:

Love to late.
Xavier pushes everyone away. Everyone knows it. Everyone tries but ends with the ship at the bottom of the sea. Only one sticks around long enough, Michael, but like everyone else. Xavier never breaks. Michael soon realizes that love can break not only a heart, but a life to. Michael is diagnosed with (input a life threatening health problem) a Cardiovascular disease. No one knows. Not even Xavier. Michael pushes his way through, slowly making Xavier open up. So close yet so far. Michael is rushed to hospital after an accident with Xavier. Michael breaks. He tells Xavier everything. Xavier makes it his final task to give Michael a life he deserved and helps him through it. But maybe not everything you break is to be repaired.

"Come on, I'm begging you. Just jump back one more time please.."

"Jump where? Back into your arms like at the water fountain?"

"You chipped my dammed heart that day now stop talking and put the mask back on."

"Seems like the only way I could crack you was from me dying."

"Stop joking, dammit you promised me you would find a way in my heart and you did. Cmon isn't that what you wanted?"

"That was all I wanted to hear before I'm wheeled out this room. But not to the exit."

One may survive.
An age were anything is possible. Real life games? Absolutely. Michael and Xavier. The dynamic duo. Both too dense to realize their feelings. Sooner or later the truth will surface, like a snake edging out of the sand; ready to snap into whatever it can. Forced to fight one another Michael is mind-controlled for refusing to fight Xavier to the death. Sharp swords and bomb scatters as only one can be victorious. Only the two can decide. After their fight, only one is bleeding more than the other. Shattered. Michael shivered at the sight of Xavier bleeding out. Michael sobs as his best friend lies drowning out in his arms. A final confession passing through the others ear, as the final curtain closes.

"I'm not doing this, Please I beg you don't make me drag you from hell by your ear."

"Cmon it's just blood you big baby. Haven't you seen it before?"

"Your blood, I'm freaking more out because it's fucking yours!"

"Y'know making my heart speed up isn't going to help me bleeding out."

"I love your jokes but please just- just save your breath I'm begging you."

"But you already took all my breath away. Always have and always will."

"Please stop.. I can't keep watching you tear yourself apart leaning on me while sparing your last words into cringy comments."

Move on.
Gravestones and flowers. The only thing left, the ring. Michael suffering heartbreak as his husband, Xavier, committed suicide. A gold band ring the only place left to pour his soul into. Years pass as Michael finds a new partner. All goes smooth, soon becoming married. A month before the wedding, Michael greets a sight that shatters him. Xavier. Standing in his glory in the middle of the hotel room. Pushing Michael to move on. To let his rest. Tears drip and patter, forced to forget. Xavier demands that Michael destroys the ring before the wedding. Cold hands only bring him comfort. Enough so the break everything he built up.

"Destroy that damn ring before you destroy yourself."

"How can I destroy the one thing that I can't let go."

"Because that ring is the only reason your still holding on. It breaks my heart to see you with them... but I know that the only way you will move on is with them."

"I'll never move on. You were my everything."

"I can't be your everything if I died to soon to see it through."

"But your here now? Aren't you? All that watching wasn't for nothing."

"But it was. It broke my heart seeing you broken, that's why you need them. The other lover thats alive, and breathing. I could never be yours again even if I tried."

"Unless I became like you. Cold, baring, comforting. Then we could be together forever."

"But then everything you put yourself through to see this through has gone to waste. I can't allow that angel. And you know it."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2022 ⏰

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