Jiang Hui also thought of this question.

    But it is impossible for her to give up the whole wholesale market for the sake of the proprietress, a wholesaler.

    She smiled lightly and said, "Miss Boss, if you think there is a risk, then our cooperation will come to an end!"
    As soon as Jiang Hui said this, the lady boss quickly stopped her, and said with a smile: "Oh, sister, Don't be angry, that's all I'll say."

    She rolled her eyes a few times, and then asked Jiang Hui, "Sister, when will your wholesale store open?"

    Jiang Hui replied, "The beginning of next month. Let's go!"
     The proprietress calculated the time, then she still has two or three weeks to make a lot of money.

    After she figured it out, she immediately said to Jiang Hui: "Sister, then I want another batch of goods. The quantity is the same as last week. Do you have any goods in hand?"

    Jiang Hui said with a smile: "Yes, the goods are here In my car, I have prepared everything for you, you prepare the money first, and I will go and get the goods for you now."
    The proprietress laughed repeatedly: "Okay, okay, then I will wait."

    Jiang Hui said again Walking to the car on the side of the road, she opened the door, sat in the back seat, and quickly bought another batch of electronic watches and quartz watches in Wanjie Mall, and put them in the warehouse of the mall.

    She also ordered the quantity that the proprietress wanted to take, put it in a box, and asked Jiang Long and Jiang Feng to carry a box to the proprietress' shop.

    The proprietress counted and checked the quality, and found that there was no problem, so she gave the cash directly to Jiang Hui.

    Jiang Hui put the payment of 190,000 yuan into the big black backpack, waved goodbye to the proprietress, put the bag on her back smartly, sat in the car, and left quickly.

    The proprietress watched the car go away, and sighed softly in her heart.

    I don't know how long she can earn this money?

    Jiang Hui had another large sum of cash in her hand, and she felt more at ease, and didn't have to worry about running out of money in the future.

    After finishing the tasks at hand, Jiang Hui asked Jiang Long to drive back to Jiangcheng.

    During this period of time, Jiang Hui was spinning like a top every day. Fortunately, there was Lingquan water and Peiyuan pill to nourish her body, otherwise she would have collapsed from exhaustion.

    When Jiang Hui and the others returned to Kitchen God's Gourmet Restaurant, Ye Ningxiang, Jiang Jing, and a few chefs had just finished their evening work and were about to sit down for dinner.

    When they saw Jiang Hui and Jiang Long Jiang Feng came back, they hurriedly invited them to have dinner together.

    After the meal, the masters went home, and those who returned to the dormitory returned to the dormitory.

    Jiang Hui, her mother and younger sister also took turns to wash up.

    When she was about to go to the compartment to review her homework, Ye Xiaoyu came.

    Jiang Hui asked him to come in and sit down, made him a pot of spiritual tea, and asked him to nourish himself every day so as not to tire his body.

    Going to Jiang Hui's place to drink a cup of spiritual tea every day is also the most comfortable thing for Ye Xiaoyu.

    He didn't stay too long, and after reporting the progress to Jiang Hui, he said goodbye and went home.

Back to 1986 with the mallNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ