Chapter 16: Out of Comfort Zones

Start from the beginning

"Evening, darling!" He greeted you, pulling a bottle of wine from behind his back. "I hope you like Riesling."

"Ooo, yes please." You hummed with amusement. "You can sit if you want. Hang your coat up and all that. I was just watching a movie."

"What are you watching?" He asked, sauntering over to the loveseat at the far side of the room and setting the bottle down on the table. He removed his coat and draped it over the back of the couch before having himself a seat and got himself comfortable. "Wait, is that The Cabinet of Dr Caligari?"

"You've seen it?" You asked. Coming over and sitting down next to him, lowering the volume with the remote so you may converse.

"Seen it? I remember when it came out!" He chirped. "Oh an extraordinary time that was, motion picture was still brand spanking new; and this was technically the first horror film ever produced! Of course it was made and released in Germany first."

"I thought the art style was really cool, that's kinda why I put it on." You chuckled.

"It is rather unique." He hummed, summoning two glasses with a mere wave of his hand and opening the bottle. Pouring you both hefty glasses before handing you one. "Thank you for inviting me over, dear. I take it you're not so callous toward me anymore?"

"Eh." You shrugged, taking a sip. "You're on probation."

"Oh I see." He chuckled wickedly. "I suppose I'd better behave, then."

To which, he immediately followed that statement by draping his arm on the back of the couch; basically, over your shoulder. You raised a brow.

"Whatcha doing there?" You mused.

He shrugged. A shit eating smirk on his face as he raised his glass to his lips. "Just getting comfortable."

"Oh, okay." You nodded. Now, being the instigator that you were, you saw an opportunity you couldn't resist. You sat closer to him, much closer; borderline snuggling him.

His cheeks went from that pale ivory to peachy pink.



"Just getting comfortable." You teased with a wicked smirk.

He glanced down at you from the corner of his eye. He didn't necessarily mean to start this little game, but, it was on now. And he wasn't about to lose this easily.

He set his glass of wine down, and the arm that was draped behind you had then curled around your form, pulling you closer to the stag.

You stifled any noise and merely pulled your legs closer to your body, just about resting them over his lap. He took a quiet deep breath, not used to being in such close quarters with somebody like this. He kept his eyes on the screen before him, and rest his free hand on your leg; just above your knee.

"Alastor." You warned.

"Y/n?" He teased.

"You try anything funny and I swear to satan-"

"What?" He teased. Withdrawing his hand from your thigh and instead redirecting your gaze with it; curling his index finger under your chin and making you face him. Inches away from him. "You'll what?"

Your eyes widened and your ears fell back against your will. Taking in your stunned silence. He grinned proudly as he saw this, and leaned in ever so slightly.

"That's what I thought." He snickered.

Cocky son of a...

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