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Madison gets out of the precinct quickly, wanting to forget about everything. She heads towards her home. As she walks, she looks down at the card that said Hank Voight and his number. She goes to rip it but stops herself and puts it in her pocket. "Stupid police people trying to get into my life, argh" she mumbles underneath her breath. Voight, as they called him in the precinct was right though. She was still feeling the effects of her high and the alcohol she had taken and needed to rest, she thought to herself. 

Before long the block of apartments were looking down at her as she slowly walked to her apartment number. She gulps before entering, she doesn't either bother knocking on the door and just stumbles in. Her mothers boyfriend was sitting on the couch with some of his mates, she just rolled her eyes. "OI, you little shit c'mere". Madison smirks "Hm, I have lost count tell me again are you boyfriend numberrr 50 for this month or number 51". All his mates laugh at him. He gets up and shouts at everyone to leave. Madi knows shes in for it this time, but stands her ground and just stares at him. 

"Wheres mom?" Madison says numbly. "Probably tryin to get on top of another guy, knowing what a slut she is." He says chuckling to himself. "DON'T talk about her like that, I will fucking have you". He marches over and slaps her across the face, he holds her face by his forceful grip of his hands to make her look at him. He turns it slightly to see her other cheek. "Jesus, you really are a slut just like your mother. Someone else been slapping you. Bet you even enjoy it don't you, you little bitch." Madison thoughts are racing, don't let him see, he can't know your weak, don't fucking cry, don't be a weak bitch like your mom. Her eyes are watering but doesn't him him the satisfaction. "Yea, well you won't be round much longer. She'll dump you for another guy sooner or later, don't forget your only her boyfriend, she doesn't use that title as much of a commitment". He grew a smug look on his face and held up his hand, "actually fiance, so you better get comfortable princess. So, soon I can do anything I like and use you for anything I like so you better start treating me real nice". Madison punches him in the face, "In your dreams, I will ever treat you with any fucking respect". He grips the beer bottle in his hands harder and smashes it on the wall, glass shattering everywhere. Madison takes a bow "Aaaaand my work here is done". She grabs a few bottles and bags of stuff, runs to the door and locks it. He chases after her and bangs on the door for ages but then gives up and goes back to what hes doing in the lounge. 

Madison puts the bag of stuff in her pocket but gulps a bottle of beer in seconds. She then grabs a duffel bag and shoves some of her clothes in there. She then sneaks out of her room and past him. She faces him. "Ehem, As always its been a pleasure to have a catch up". She smirks and makes a run for it, away from the complex and to one of buildings her mates are staying in at the moment.

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