The cage

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Voight enters the room in a harsh manner that makes Madi jump slightly. Not saying a word, he roughly uncuffs her from the metal beam and cuffs her hands tightly. Voight then grabs her tightly by the upper arm so he has control of Madi.

Voight pulls her towards the basement  as Madi throws Voight with her sarcastic comments. He just moves her more quickly with this. She struggles against his grip. "Mate can you loosen your grip on my arm, jesus I'm gunna loose circulation." With this comment Voight just makes his grip tighter. She tries to squeeze out if his grip but fails yet again making him more irritable. Madi stares angrily "what the hell is this."

 Voight shoves her in the cage

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Voight shoves her in the cage. Voight then enters and locks the door behind him. He just stands looking angry "So you enjoy getting high do you, all that type of stuff?" Voight says with anger in his voice. "Well since you apparently know everythinggg about me you tell me" Madison just makes Voight more irritated. He starts to tower over her after her remark holding back on his usual method of physically hurting people. "You know kid, we gave you plenty of times to speak. But you escaping has just made me pissed off even more. But since I'm feeling generous I'm going to give you one more chance, SO, I am going to ask you one more time, how do you know Charlie." Madi just spits on the ground pointing it towards him. He starts backing her up into one of the corners until she couldn't go any further. "So that's how its gunna be, you know Madison, two can play that game." Voight raises his voice, he bangs his hand on the cage next to her head,"LOOK AT ME WHEN IM SPEAKING TO YOU." He roughly grabs her chin, holding it with one hand, forcing her to look at him. "OW stop it, you're hurting me." Voight carries on with a slight smirk " You know we could easily go to your home, bet we'd find some interesting stuff there. With your mom and her boyfriends. My unit already spotted out some stuff that they saw already, hmm I wonder" She then carries on "God your a dick you know, no wonder-". He slaps her across the face as she trying not to let her tears escape. Voight then feels a wave of guilt come across him, but not showing it. "Feel like I'm back at home already" Madi quietly states, Voight hears this, and it shatters his heart. "KID JUST TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW AND THIS ALL ENDS."

Scared the detective will do anything else or threaten her with her mom she breaks,"Charlie, he helped me when my mom and her boyfriends could not. Look, you guys think he left chicago, he never did. He uhm, he made me do stuff for him like crimes in exchange for shelter and food. He also transferred me money. But recently he started acting weird, he just started lashing out at me. He started making me do stuff for him in other ways. He found a new job for himself. Started getting in with this crew." Madi says with a big sigh, "His apartment is number 16 on Addison Street, you'll find him there along the rest of his crew."

Voight nods and motions to her to sit still. "DUDE I gave you the info, let me go" Madison said in anger. "Nope, no way, you are to sit tight until we got him you could be giving us false intel for all I know." Plus your high as a kite right now so I'm not letting you leave until you have at least rested a little. With that she grumbled but see's an opportunity to get through and makes a run for it. But before long she felt hands grip her waist and pull her back in to the cage. Voight held on to her waist, tightly and shoved her to a sitting position on the ground where he handcuffed her tightly to the wall. "Foster, seriously you shouldn't have done that, jesus i can't let you go just yet alr." Madison glared at him "Not my fault I wanna get out of here and away from you lot". Voight chuckles slightly with her comments. "Just sit tight kiddo, alright."

He then leaves and calls the unit to get geared up.

Made for Carnage                      •chicago PD•जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें