Chapter 1

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"A thousands seasons ago, before the clans we have today, it was very different, there are old clans but these clans had cruel leaders, they were so cruel that they-" "Mom this is boring!" hissed Spiderkit, "Get to the part when the new clan leaders rises to power." "I wanna hear how Hopestar saved our butts from FalconClan's leader." Squirrelkit purred, "I-I don't think I wanna hear that again." Pigeonkit mewed nervously. "Your just saying that because the FalconClan leader give you that torn ear." Squirrelkit sneered. "Can you be quiet!" hissed Batkit, "I'm trying to listen to the story."

"Enough! If you don't stop bickering, I won't tell the story again at all." "Sorry mother." the four kits chorus all together. "Harekit come join us." Brokenstar offered. Harekit looked at them, "Not Harekit." whined Savannahkit, "He's a freak." "Savannahkit be nice." Brokenstar scolded. Harekit's unseen eyes stared at her but laid down, "I'm listening." he murmured. Ravenkit just laid there, listening to her mother's story as she continued, she doesn't mind listening them, weither if they are true or not, the only true thing she knows about the story was FalconClan, she was there during the battle, hiding behind her mother. She could only just shake herself off of the scary memory that her brother Pigeonkit almost died with just a torn ear to show for it and she would of died too if it haven't been for HopeClan's leader, Hopestar.

"Each clan had a cruel leader, bloodthirsty to say at least, the old warrior code was cruel and so was each clan leader's way, cruel as they were, a prophecy rose, new clans will rised, each clan leader have fought against the old clans as a rebellion and created new clans, each leader had to kill their leaders, deputies and medicine cat but there was one clan leader in particular, the one that saved all the clans from FalconClan before it formed had-" "Brokenstar, are you filing our kits with nonsense again." growled Redshade, the kits father, Brokenstar's mate and deputy of BrokenClan. "It's history Redshade." Brokenstar mewed sternly. "It's important." purred Spiderkit, "It's cool." cheered Squirrelkit. "It's boring." called Harekit, sitting up. "Well if it doesn't fill bellies it isn't do any of us any good. Are you ready for patrol Brokenstar?" Redshade asked. "Supposed I am." Brokenstar mewed, sitting up as her kits cried in protest. "I'll be back little ones. Your almost seven moons, I think you can handle being alone. Just don't leave camp and let the Kit-stealer steal you away from me." Brokenstar meowed. Redshade led her mate away outside the den, "You here that guys! We'll almost be apprentices!" cheered Batkit, "And I can't wait to clean out the bedding and hunt for the elders!" Squirrelkit snorted in disguised, "Ew no, elders are gross. Who would want to feed the elders and clean their dirt. I certainly don't not as clan leader that is, I can imagine being Squirrelstar right now." "And I'll be your loyal deputy with Pigeonkit as our medicine cat." purred Spiderkit purred. "Or just a plain warrior, then the stink of herbs." Pigeonkit mewed.

Ravenkit just looked at them, she doesn't want to be a warrior, eversince she saw Roundmane treating her brother, she wants to help heal her clanmates. "What are you looking at Stupidkit!" hissed Squirrelkit. Ravenkit stayed silent. "Answer the question." sneered Spiderkit, "Why you staring? It's not nice to stare." "Nor is bullying." Ravenkit told her before she turn away, out of the den. This wasn't the first time, they always picked on her for no apparent reason. Ravenkit doesn't understand it. Slugkit, Ravenkit spot her only friend, heading toward him, "Hey Ravenkit." Slugkit purred, "Your almost going to be an apprentice, how many moons?" "Two moons." Ravenkit mewed, shifting her paws uncomfortably as she sat down. "I got three moons left, I can't wait for us to become warriors together and train together. Who do you think your mentor will be?" Slugkit purred.

"Roundmane maybe." shrugged Ravenkit, who she really want as a mentor, she doesn't want to crush Slugkit's dreams, he wants her to be a warrior alongside him. "Roundmane's a medicine cat, give me a real warrior." Slugkit scoffed, "I want Brokenstar as my mentor. If not Redshade." "Those are my parents." Ravenkit mewed. "I know but it must be really cool to be the kit of the leader and deputy." Slugkit purred, "I mean my mother just runs off on adventers for who knows how long and who knows where and as for my father, I don't know him."

"Intruders! Intruders in camp!" cried Firekit. Warriors stand on guard, Skimpaw, the only apprentice, eyes widen and startled and ran to pin one of the intruder, "Skimpaw!" called Rosecloud, "Get off her." her gentle tone was harsh. Tonguefeather's ears flatten. "I'm just defending the camp." hissed Skimpaw backed off the cream she-cat. The two kits turn, "Stay back kits!" warned Weevilclaw but his eyes just trailed off from the kits then looked at the intruders, eyes still staring off and away from them as he sat down.

"They have kits." Sightmane observed, still on guard. "State your purpose! Why are you here?" Tonguefeather hissed, "Your not welcome here!" The intruders stared at each other, the tom stepped foward, "We're sorry for your intrusion, we're looking for a home. Somewhere to live. So my kits and her furture expecting kits live a happy life then as rouges or loners." "I think we should let Brokenstar decide what we should do." Rosecloud meowed, "Shes expecting kits like he said." "I agree with Rosecloud, we should let Brokenstar decide, it's her clan. Shes our leader." Shardmane sniffled as he rub the snot off his nose.

"Skimpaw, go get Brokenstar and her patrol." Spotchampion ordered his son after he spits on the ground, seeming upset, eyes staring at the intruder. Skimpaw seem hesitate but ran toward the entrance of the camp and left camp as Jasminelightning entered camp, confused. "Come, I'll take you to the nursery." mewed Rosecloud with her soft and gentle voice. "Thank you." purred the expecting she-cat. Both she-cats followed, carring the two kits. The wind blew hard through camp. Ravenkit looked up, "Can it ever stop." Slugkit hissed. It begin to rain. "It been storming." Ravenkit pointed out, "Let's get shelter." they rush to the nursery.

They watched the harsh rain and winds blowed. They spotted a shadow of a patrol, Ravenkit couldn't see who, then she spotted one of the shadows rushing to the nursery. It was Brokenstar. "I heard of the rouges." she mewed, "Was this all of them?" "There was a tom. I believe he went in elders den with the elders." Rosecloud mewed softly, "His name is Fearless, thats Ferret, her kits are Fly and Dandelion. And Squirrel is expecting. They wish to join." "Then we welcome you." Brokenstar nodded at the former rouges, "From now on, your kits will be Flykit and Dandelionkit. It's tradition to have clan names, you'll still keep your name as Ferreteyes and Squirrelstrike. You'll learn our clan ways, soon enough. Whenever the storm ends." "Thank you." purred the newly named Ferreteyes. Brokenstar just nodded respectfully, "The storm is looking bad, you came to the right place. Ravenkit stay here. Just until the storm ends." she turn to her daughter,  "I need to see to Fearless, our new warrior." She went back into the rain. Ravenkit watched the storm, she jumped as lightning stuck the middle of camp. Asphodelmane scoffed "This storm is going nowhere, get away from the entrance kit." Rosecloud stared eyes widen looking down at her kits, it wasn't long today she just had her five kits, Goldenkit, Daffodilkit, Alderkit, Stumpykit and Molekit. "What's that!" cried Tansykit at her mother after peaking from the den and running toward her scared. Ashphodelmane looked outside, "I-I don't know." she stammered.  Ravenkit looked back, her eyes stared in horror and fear, as twisted turning clouds was on the ground and was heading to the camp.

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