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  "What will it take for you to love me?" The screen lit up, revealing a young blonde lady, kneeling infront of a tall mysterious man.

  Their eyes widened, 'It's the Princess voice! But who is she begging to?' Jennette thought to herself. Claude looked at the screen, recognizing himself. 'I don't remember this happening.' He thought to himself while holding his head.

  "Should I become like Jennette?" The Princess asked. "If I do, then will you call my name dearly like you do hers, and watch me with warmth in your eyes?"

  Shocked plastered on their faces as the Princess asked the mysterious man. "Become like me? What is happening?" Jennette asked, confused by what's happening.

  "This is odd... this never happened." Felix said. 'Athanasia is my only daughter, so why is she bringing up that girl?' Claude thought to himself.

  The screen finally shows the princess kneeling infront of the Emperor. "Will you hold me in your arms... without pushing me away?"

  "Such a thing won't happen until I die." The Emperor said without mercy.

  "This never happend" Claude said while clutching his head. Felix watched Claude with worried face, 'But will this happen in the future?' realising what the thought, he immediately snapped back.

  "Why is that?" The Princess couldn't help but ask. "I'm your daughter too, father. I was by yourside much longer than Jennette." The princess asked looking up to the Emperor while crying.

  Jennette's tears rolled down, she couldn't handle the princess crying. Anastacius noticed this, and handed her a handkerchief.

  "You fool." The Emperor stated, looking down at the princess. His jewelled blue eyes are glowing.

  Claude watch the scene with his fist trembling. Why is he acting like that on the screen? 'His Majesty wouldn't be able to do that to the princess!' Felix said to himself.

  'That piercing contempt, his voice digging into my ears was more cruel than ever.' The princess' thought were heard by everyone.

  'So we can hear her thoughts, interesting.' Lucas watch the screen with full of interest.

  "There was never a day I considered you my daughter." Upon hearing this, the princess realized that begging will never change his mind. Her trembling hands let go of the Emperor's pants as more tears fell down on her cheeks, she cried and cried until no tears come out.

  Claude clutched his chest and lowered his head, 'This... this feeling again.' Felix doesn't know what to do, watched Claude with pity.

  Claude was heartless until the very end. And the deepest despair like never before flooded Athansia's eyes...

(Lovable Princess-Chapter 8- Twisted fate)

  "Lovable Princess? It sounds like a title of a book, and there's also a chapter." Jennette said.

  The screen turned back, and showed the a baby Athanasia holding a gold toy with a surprise look on her face. Athanasia let go of her toy as it rolled away from her.

  "I miss the my princess" Lily said as she wipes her fallen tears. "The princess is so cute" Jennette mumbled, covering her mouth.

  Anastacius glanced at Jennette who is smiling, he's glad that her eyes weren't swollen from crying.

  "What's this? Why did I suddenly think of that novel? The romance novel I read because a costumer left it behind." A lady appeared, then the book of the Lovely Princess.

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