Start from the beginning

Scared, Ina looked at the phoenix for the last time, staring back with her determined eyes before she closed the door behind them.

Gura sat down on her bean bag chair, leaning back until her head faced the ceiling, "you disappeared on us." 

"Well, you did too, didn't you?" Ina stood awkwardly between all the thrown clothes, books and game covers that Gura had recklessly put on the floor. After paying closer attention to the mess, she realised Gura must've thrown these down from her shelves and table out of rage. With concern heavy in her voice, Ina asked, "are you okay?"

"Yeah, I think," Gura put her hands on the back of her neck, leaning onto it, "skipping has its perks. I get to play all the games I've been putting on hold."

"Ah… right." Ina stepped around the stuff on the floor, looking around the room absent-mindedly, "I really wanted to apologise to you when I came back but…"

"Apologise?" Gura said bitterly, tears forming in her eyes. She leaned forward lazily, steepling and leaning her forehead on the bed of her fingers, "I should be the one to say sorry, right?"


Tears slipped through her fingers, "I forced you two on a date… and when you confronted me about it, I just kept on pushing you until that thing came out." Her voice wobbled, "And Kiara got hurt because of it. "

Ina leaned down quickly, wrapping the girl in a tight hug, just the way Gura liked it. 

Through her sobs, the shark pulled her closer, resting her arms on her shoulders, "An-and you… disappeared because of me." 

"But I came back right?"Ina used one hand to rub Gura's head, "Because that's what friends do."

Gura pushed her head into Ina's hand, trying to pull her as close she could into her. The stream of tears eventually stopped and only the small sniffles could be heard.

"I owe you a proper apology, Gura." Ina pulled back, making Gura whine a little in protest of the loss in contact. In response, she took Gura's hands, "I was glad you asked me and Calli out on that day. She and I really did enjoy ourselves. It wasn't your fault that you didn't know Kiara's feelings at the time. I shouldn't have yelled at you like I did and… The fact that Kiara got hurt was my own responsibility. AO-chan, that thing is mine to control." 

"Bu… But…"

"I know we both did things to hurt each other…" Ina opened her arms, "I promise that I'll work on it. On everything you said about me. So, if you would allow me, I'd love to keep hanging out with you, Gura. So does everyone else." 

Gura sniffled, laughing a little, "you're so stupidly formal sometimes. Of course, I'll hang out with you." She leaned over to hug the girl fully.  

Ina sat back, letting Gura sit in her lap as she revelled in the physical contact. She rubbed her back, enjoying the feeling of Gura's tail wagging, touching her leg. 

"I never get to do this with you…" Gura mumbled into Ina's shoulder.

Ina laughed awkwardly, "I'm getting better with this sort of stuff so you'll have to excuse me."  

"We're both friends with the most affectionate girl in the world," Gura looked up at Ina, "You've gotta be a little used to this sort of stuff." 

"Mmm, okay yeah. I'll make sure to give you more hugs and stuff."

"Headpats too. I like your headpats."

"And headpats too." Ina patted her head once more, smiling as Gura's usual toothy grin returned. "Does this mean you'll come back now? And talk to Watson?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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