Chapter Five: Like a Ladybug on a Leaf

Start from the beginning

“And what do you want us to take, exactly?” Aaron looked at me as if expecting something terrible.

“No, don’t ‘take’ anything. Just copy down the cities with the biggest population census, excluding the facilities.”

Julius stood from his seat and looked at me bewildered. “You want us to break into their files system? Excuse my asking dearest Christalia, but what the hell is wrong with you?” Julius had been quiet up to this moment, so I had to give him some props for taking the information well. Part of it, anyway.

“It isn’t that hard. Reflect their laser wards, avoid any guards, and make sure to get into the information hall in between the guards’ shifts.” I flicked my eyes across the circle. “I have everything figured out. I need you guys. That’s the only reason I came here all the way from Mesa.”

Carlos sighed, then looked at me with pity. “I’m sorry Chrissy, really. But it’s too dangerous.”

“You only need to send one.” I tried not to whine, but the desperation got the better of me. They could be my friends, and they could be my only chance. But I still couldn’t show them just how weak I could be.

“Send one and they’re all endangered,” whispered Julius.

I stood from the chair and gave one last look at the Rogues. “Then I’ll go alone.” I stomped off towards the door, mumbling under my breath, “’Send one and they’re all endangered.’ My ass. Who needs them anyway?” I opened the door and walked out into the windy night since I knew no other place. I neared the cliff and sat with my legs crisscrossed, turning my head up to look at the stars. Out here in the middle of the ocean, there wasn’t enough light pollution to block out the constellation. They twinkled and sparkled like glitter, reminding me of old kids’ songs.

“Twinkle twinkle little star,” I rocked my head side to side along with the worn out melody. “How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high-"

"Like a diamond in the sky.”

I turned around to look at the source of the voice.

“You know,” he continued. “There’s more to the song.”

“Thanks for the heads up, Xavier.”

He sat down next to me. “When the blazing sun is gone, when there's nothing he shines upon, then you show your little light-”

“Twinkle, twinkle, through the night.”

“So you know it.”

“I’ve studied old English literature.” I continued to stare out into the night, admiring the dance of the stars. “Why are you out here?”

“Incase you left.”

“Huh?” I turned towards him and only saw his profile. “Why would you think I’d leave?”

Xavier looked at me witch a devilish smile. He began mimicking me, and grinned between words. “I’ll go alone!”

I just rolled my eyes, not in the mood. “My voice isn’t that high.”

“Well, whatever. Just listen here, missy. I wasn’t about to stay out here with a bunch of guys I don’t know or trust.” He shrugged. “So I followed you.”

“So it’s a mutual feeling, huh.” I brought my knees up to my chin and wrapped my arms around them, linking one of my hands over a wrist. “I just thought they would help.”

“It is a pretty huge favor, though.”

“Which is why I’m going alone.”

“Where am I going to stay?”

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