10. This Is My Bar.

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Priscilla's POV

Today is the day I've been waiting on for a while.. At midnight, I released my highly-anticipated song, 'My Bar'. To celebrate the song's release, me and Jon decided to have a date at a bar in Nashville! The bar? Honky Tonk Central.

We were going to go to Jason Aldean's bar, but the line was way too long by the time we arrived on Broadway, so we walked a little more ways away to head to the Honky Tonk bar. I guess for tonight, this place is my bar, as cringe as that sounds.

Once inside, I made sure to text Kara, Sarah, and Britton in our group chat that us girls have to ensure that they would be coming out tonight or not. Either way if they do or don't come, tonight's going to be fun as hell and I can't be anymore excited about it!


hey, girly pops! me and my boyfriend are out at honky tonk central if you guys wanna come out and celebrate along with us for the release of 'My Bar'!

obviously, it's okay if you guys don't feel up to it tonight, then that's okay as well!


omg.. does this mean we get to meet your BOYFRIEND?!? ahhh!! count me in! i can't say the same for Sarah or Britton, but i'm totes in! see you in fifteen! 😘


idk if I'll be able to make it, y'all, but I'ma try! if not, next time for sure!


y'all, someone get ahold of Sarah, i need to know if she's coming or not 🤣 she hasn't even seen these messages. poor girl always putting her phone on silent and do not disturb. 😭


I know! how about you call her? surely she'll pick up at that point. at least, we can only hope! haha, I just don't know about ole Sarah girl sometimes. 😂

Since my beloved guitar player wasn't replying back into the group chat, I decided to take Britton's advice and call Sarah's phone. She has her phone on silent and do not disturb majority of the time, so tonight probably isn't different...

But then again, it is past midnight, so she could be asleep as well. If it's only Kara that's coming, then that's okay too, but we'll see considering Britton doesn't know if she's coming and we haven't heard a thing from Sarah... Yet, anyway.

I dialed up Sarah's number and she answered within the second buzz, "Hello?"

"Sarah! Hey, it's me, Priscilla. So you know how 'My Bar' came out at midnight, right? Well, me and my boyfriend are at Honky Tonk Central to celebrate and I wanted you, Kara, and Britton to come meet him! If you want to, of course," I informed her hastily, not wanting to waste any time with my guitarist.

Sarah yawned and then laughed, "Oh my God, we get to meet lover boy?! Let me hop out of my pajamas and I'll be at the bar as fast as you can sing the alphabet backwards!"

Well, it's settled then; all of my bestie girls are going to not only celebrate my song's release, but get to meet my new boo thing.. This is going to be super exciting!

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