1. So It Begins.

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Jon's POV:

"Uh, hell no! I am not going to be doin' that! Why did you plan all of this without even asking me first, JD? Ugh, I wanted just one football Saturday off," I vented to my tour manager.

Both JD and my manager, Kerri, booked me a gig at some festival in one of the southern states or whatever which is cool and dandy, I don't mind at the slightest, but they didn't even try to ask and make sure I didn't have plans first at the very least! Oh, but that's not the only thing that's been pissing me off. The other thing that's been bothering me since earlier today was learning that my girlfriend had been cheating on me with one of my older drummers, Eric.

The way I found out was pretty shitty too, come to think of it. Needless to say, today's been a shit-show, and having JD inform me about some show only brought me over the edge with my emotions.

**flashback to when he found out about his girlfriend & ex-drummer**

My girlfriend's phone kept going off and it was starting to aggravate me. How on earth was one supposed to say concentrate or relax when all a person can hear is an annoying text notification ring every second?! Considering my girlfriend is only close to JD's girlfriend, Ally, that's who could be blowing her phone up, but what on God's given earth could Ally want that she'd be sending multiple messages at once?

Curiosity kills the cat of course, so my dumbass decided to see what was going on. Had I known what was awaiting me once opening up the iMessage app, I wish I would've stayed curious because it was horrible! It was from my old drummer, Eric! He was sending my girlfriend dick pictures? That's so odd, why would he think to send those especially to her? He knows we're together. Surely, she's mentioned that to him too. Maybe it was just a mistake?

But after scrolling up through their risqué text messages, I learned that the whole thing of them sending nude pictures back and forth to one another had been going on for about a month or so. That's definitely a slap in the face, considering everything I've done for this damn woman! I give her a nice place to live in, never bother her and give her a lot of space because of my tight and busy schedule, why the hell would she need to grab another man's attention?

So maybe me and my girlfriend aren't sexually active nor do we have the best sex life, but that's for a variety of reasons. The main ones being as followed; she isn't into the whole sexual intimacy, she don't crave sex or anything like that, and because we aren't wanting to accidentally fuck up and get pregnant. We've had a few close calls, but thankfully, fate was on our side that time we got the pregnancy scare. We want kids one day, just not right at this very moment in our lives, which I think is a pretty good game plan if you ask me. We both are hard workers and a baby would hinder both of our jobs.

There were loads of pictures and even videos I had never seen of my girl. It's very strange to see that she would send tit pictures to some guy she barely knows, but not me, her damn boyfriend, for God's sake. Of course, I'm not the type to ask or hound a lady to do that, but that's because I have dignity and some sort of respect for women. However, she's always told me that she isn't comfortable sending nudes, but she clearly isn't! The proof is right here in these messages...

Right as I had set her iPhone down, she cocked her eyebrow and asked me if I had seen a ghost.

"Jon, honey, you look super freaking pale! Did you see a dang ghost or something? Talk to me! You're scaring the shit out of me!" Sonia exclaimed, trying to get me to snap out of my trance.

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