Winter Wonderland Part 3

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My arms instinctively pulled her closer to me and hugged her tightly.

Y/n: I'm sorry I forgot you Jinni. I love you I always have...

Jinni: You didn't forget you loved me. That's what is important.

Y/n: I'm still sorry. I shouldn't have forgotten your name. 

Jinni: It's ok we are here together now. 

I didn't want her to ever leave my side I loved Jinni all this time all the breakups I had because I felt like something was missing it was her. It has always been her ever since I was a kid I have always loved her.

Jinni: Y/n do you want to see my parents again? 

Y/n: I would love to. 

She looked up at me with a bright smile and grabbed my hand as she sped up and walked to her families home. Once we reached the front door Jinni entered with me right behind her. She dragged me straight to the living room where both of her parents were sat watching TV. 

Jinni: Mum! Dad! I found my future husband! 

They both looked at me first with shock and then happiness as her mother shot up and embraced me. 

Jinnis mum: You are back in Korea Y/n...I'm so happy we get to see you again. 

Her father then stood up and walked to me before placing his hand on my shoulder. 

Jinnis dad: Look how tall you have become you have really grown up son. 

Y/n: Thank you sir...

Jinnis dad: Ai. Y/n I already told you to call me father I mean you and Jinni are soulmates we all know it at this point. When you two are apart neither of you are really happy. But together your smiles make even the coldest people feel warm. The love that the two of you have for each other is like no other. 

Y/n: T-thank you...father...

Jinnis mum: So now that you two are together again when are you getting married? 

Jinni: MUM! Aren't we still too young? I mean I'm eighteen now and Y/n is nineteen shouldn't we at least wait a little while. 

Jinnis mum: Nonsense Y/n are you parents back as well? 

Y/n: Yeah we are all staying with my aunt and uncle for now. 

Jinnis mum: Well what are we waiting for lets go. 

Y/n: What? 

Jinnis dad: Lets go get a marriage planned you already have my permission to marry Jinni you have had it since you were eight. 

As me and Jinni stood stunned at her parents actions they quickly escorted us towards the back of their car before setting off. 


Soon the family pulled up outside of Y/ns uncles house before excitedly getting out of the car with the young lovebirds trailing behind. Once Jinnis parents knocked on the door it was only a matter of seconds before Y/ns uncle opened the door and cheered alongside Jinnis father as they had a quick embrace before welcoming them into the house. 


I walked hand in hand with Jinni into the kitchen where her parents had already greeted mine. 

Mum: OH! JINNI! 

Y/n: Wait you remember her? 

Mum: Only after I saw her parents again. Wow you two really are destined for each other. 

I felt a poke in my arm and turned to see Eunchae curiously looking at Jinni. 

Eunchae: Y/n who is she? 

Y/n: Who is she? Well I guess she's my girlfriend. Eunchae this is Jinni. Jinni this is my cousin Eunchae.

Jinni: Oh she's your cousin.

Y/n: What did you think she was? 

Jinni: When you both were in the café together she was clinging onto you like she was your girlfriend...

Eunchae stuck out her hand to Jinni with a bright smile. 

Eunchae: Well it's nice to meet my cousins girlfriend. If you don't treat him well I will steal him away from you. 

Jinni: But you are his cousin?

Jinni nervously extended her hand to meet Eunchaes. 

Eunchae: Well I'm adopted so I have no blood relation to my handsome cousin so I could steal him away.

Eunchae: Energetically shook Jinnis hand before bursting out in laughter. 

Eunchae: Sorry I would never date my cousin adopted or not into the family. But if I wasn't maybe. Anyway hes all yours but if you treat him bad I will hunt you down. 

Auntie: Eunchae don't threaten Jinni. Oh you should all come over for Christmas! 

Jinnis mum: That's a great idea! 


So the stage was set the families would all join together for Christmas to celebrate the reunion of the soulmates. Over the next days Y/n and Jinni found themselves spending more time with each other Y/n even started to help out at the café to spend more time with her. Their innocent love bloomed like roses at the end of spring and soon Christmas day came. 


Mum: Y/n! Jinni is here! 

I jumped off Eunchaes bed and raced down stairs and once I saw Jinni hugged her tightly which she returned. 

Y/n: Merry Christmas Jinni. 

Jinni: Merry Christmas Y/n. 

Y/n: Follow me I go you a present. 

I grabbed her hand and dragged her to the back garden. Once the doors were open she stood confused looking for a wrapped up present. 

Jinni: There's nothing out here? 

Y/n: Look above the door. 

She looked up to see the mistletoe that was hanging above the door. I watched as her cheeks turned a red before placing my hand on her cheek. 

Y/n: You know what happens now right? 

Jinni: Shut up and kiss me. 

She reached up and wrapped her hands around the back of my neck pulling me down and pushing our lips together. The kiss was full of love from both of us neither one of us wanting to split anytime soon. 

Mum: Sorry you lovers but dinner is ready. You can continue afterwards. We even sat the two of you together! 


The two lovers walked to the table together and enjoyed their family meal with their closest family. The festive cheer brought the two soulmates back together making their once seemingly lost love reignite and warm them in this cold time. Merry Christmas to you all may you all find the one that can ignite your heart. 

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