Mistake in Arc 1

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The Dragonet Prophecy
IceWings are described as having "silver scales like the moon" even though there are three moons.When Vermilion announced Gill's arrival onto the battlefield, his dialogue said "Gill of the Seawings" instead of "Gill of the SeaWings."Kestrel's tongue is described as forked, but SkyWings do not have forked tongues.The term hands was used instead of talons.

The Lost Heir

On the English cover, Tsunami has blue eyes,  although she is described to have green eyes.On the cover, Tsunami is missing the patterns of spirals under her wings, which is a characteristic of the royal family.Coral's tongue was described to be forked,  but SeaWings do not have forked tongues.Whirlpool was described to have rings on his talons. However, SeaWings have webbed talons, and therefore should not be able to wear rings.The phrase on the other hand appears twice.When Auklet's snout was covered in sand, it was described to look like a mustache. However, dragons don't have mustaches and shouldn't know what one is.Starflight said that only sisters and daughters could issue a royal challenge, but nieces are also able to challenge.Independent is misspelled as indepent twice.In the audiobooks, Starflight is misread as Starlight.

The Hidden Kingdom

It is stated that "five forked tongues hissed with fury" even though Flame, Ochre, and Squid shouldn't have forked tongues.It was stated that "Unlike her sisters Blister had no scars." However, Blaze had unscathed scales as well.Glory uses a leaf to hold the venom, but since RainWing venom can melt organic things, the leaf should have melted.

The Dark Secret

On the English cover, Starflight's tongue is red, although NightWings are said to have black tongues.On the English cover, Starflight lacks small silver scales on his neck plates, even though it is a typical NightWing trait.On some book and audiobook covers, one of the NightWings flying in the upper left corner is missing its head.In Starflight's thoughts, the dragonet prophecy is capitalized, despite it being lowercase in other books.Morrowseer refers to a group of SkyWing guards as a handful instead of a talonful.

The Brightest Night

On the English cover, Sunny's tongue is not forked and is pink. Neither SandWings nor NightWings have pink or non‐forked tongues. The SandWing guard from the Scorpion Den is first referred to as female then male.Queen Scarlet's palace is mistakenly referred to as Burn's palace.Smolder mentioned losing "Sunny and Scarlet in one fell swoop," although Peril hadn't rescued Scarlet yet, and he hadn't been with Sunny and Peril to know what Peril was going to do.Vermilion is misspelled as Vermillion in the title of Smolder's letter "A Letter from Smolder of the SandWings to Vermillion of the SkyWings on the Challenges and Joys of Scavenger Pet Ownership."

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