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"Only problem, the pro's might not come, there's another emergency in Hosu, so do you know what his quirk is?" I asked quickly as Stain walked slowly to us

"Something to do with licking blood? Iida was paralyzed as soon as he stabbed him" Midoriya said putting his hands up and getting ready

I hummed and looked around

I need a weapon since my shadow quirk isn't working

I looked to the floor to see the sword that I guessed that impaled Iida at his side

"I will take that" I said softly picking it up off the floor licking the blood off, a temporary boost

I felt my body shock awake and I ran to the wall jumping off of it and holding the blade at my feet as Stain threw his arm up with his sword blocking me

He ran around me and went straight for the stranger sitting on the floor that I hadn't really noticed before

It was Native, a pro,

"Todoroki!" I shouted as he put a wall of ice between them however Stain jumped over it

Todoroki then made a wall of flames higher than the alleyway

I then saw Midoriya bounce of the walls and try and kick stain however he had already had a knife stuck in Midoriya and he had now plummeted to the floor

I sprinted towards Midoriya and caught him laying him down gently before running to Stain

"I will not let a bunch of kids stop me from my duty in life!" He shouted as I chuckled, duty?

"The fuck is your 'duty'?" I mocked kicking his back as he threw a knife at me

It hit my arm and dug into me as blood slowly ran down my upper arm

"Shit" I said under my breath as Stain pounced at me trying to lick the blood off my arm

I can't take the knife out of me either because there will be blood on the knife and he will just fucking gulp that shit down

I wiped the blood off my arm and licked it so Stain couldn't

I saw Midoriya finally get up and kick Stain in the rib

Stain looked uncomfortable as he smirked

"You kids think heroes are great don't you? This society is corrupt, why do you think there are so many heroes? It's because of the money! You are being brainwashed you stupid kids!" He yelled going for Iida and Todoroki again

"And you! Hawk's daughter, I know your quirk you are just like me! Blood! We are connected, you don't understand! You weren't meant to save, you are unable to save! You should kill or be killed, you won't be anything but a monster in the eyes of the heroes!" he preached as I felt my chest drop and my blood boiled

This time I ran and hit his back with my foot which sent him into the wall

I them felt something shift in my chest

The streets got darker and my hands started to glow

I felt my hands being pushed forward as they started to pint towards Stain unintentionally

My hands grew hotter and a white beam shot out and hit him square in the face before he could dodge

The light blinded me momentarily, he chose that moment to throw a sword directly at my leg nailing me in the calf

I felt my hands heat again and more light shot out of my hands uncontrollably

Each time a direct hit on Stain

{My Bloodsucker }~ Katsuki Bakugo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now