In fact, Peng Chen really has a lot of inner drama and one-man drama in this drama, many of which still have no lines.

    For example, as it is now, the scene where a person sits quietly in front of the whiteboard in the conference room and silently replays the details of the case has appeared several times in this drama.

    So much so that Dahai laughed at her in private, saying that she was the female version of Conan.

    Although the scenes and pictures are the same every time, Peng Chen tries his best to give the show a different feeling every time.

    For example, the first time she drew a portrait of a criminal suspect in a conference room, it was because of a dispute with Lao Xing at the meeting, because Lao Xing completely overturned several inferences made by Peng Chen at the crime scene, so in order to prove In order to fight against Lao Xing, Peng Chen locked himself in the conference room and profiled the suspect overnight.

    At that time, she was very calm on the surface, but the hand holding the signature pen was a little trembling. It's the subconscious physiological reaction of extreme anger.

    But at that time, she was just a fresh graduate, a fledgling young man, so-called young and energetic, so it was very normal to have such a physiological reaction.

    But in the replay yesterday in the conference room, Peng Chen completely fell into self-doubt. This time, Peng Chen chose to perform by burying himself in his arms like an ostrich, and then got up and kept drawing messy pictures on the board. the lines.

    Today's performance is different from yesterday's.

    I had a drink with Lao Xing yesterday, which completely dispelled Peng Chen's worries. Just like what Lao Xing said, as long as the case is really done by Pan Xiao, he will definitely show his feet. It's just that Peng Chen hasn't found it yet, so what she has to do now is to be careful and careful, sort out all the details of the case from beginning to end, and find the point that they missed...

    When filming this scene today , Peng Chen Chen's expression and demeanor were very focused, and the light shone on her face, and one could see the firm demeanor in her eyes.

    And Peng Chen's look has also changed today. From the ponytail and casual windbreaker he just appeared on the stage to the current short hair and black suit, he looks more calm and capable, and finally shed his student spirit and became a real professional.

    Director Kong started his career as a filmmaker, so he also used a lot of film shots in the scenes of this film, such as taking close-ups of the actors at every turn.

    Recently, he likes to take close-up shots of Peng Chen when Peng Chen is performing a one-man show. Because he thinks the emotions expressed by Peng Chen are very good, especially when it is shown through close-up shots, it will feel particularly aura.

    A good actor can speak more than a thousand words with just one look.

    After the scene was filmed, when the camera turned, Lao Xing came back with the investigation team. They went to retrieve the surveillance video of Mr. Gu's company today, and asked the technicians to check the surveillance video specifically to prevent Pan Xiao from tampering with the surveillance video. As a result of the investigation, the surveillance video was not tampered with, so Pan Xiao's alibi from 9:00 to 12:00 is true.

    The rest of the criminal investigation team really wanted to give up this time. After all, they didn't believe that the murderer would be Pan Xiao at first. It was because Peng Chen insisted, and they didn't have any other clues at the moment, so they followed Peng Chen's plan. Thinking is going. But today's facts have confirmed that Pan Xiao had an alibi that night, which means that Peng Chen's deduction was wrong.

    So Brother Wang took the lead in suggesting: "Squad, why don't we change the way of solving the case?"

    Before the squad could speak, Peng Chen opened the door and walked in. The black suit was wrapped around her body, outlining Peng Chen's thin figure. She walked in step by step against the light, facing everyone's gaze.

    Criminal squad: "Le Cheng, what do you say?"

    Peng Chen looked at Brother Wang: "Brother Wang, please accompany me to the forensic room, I'm going to re-investigate the time of death of the deceased."

    Brother Wang: " ..." I really want to refuse.

    Criminal team: "Do you suspect that the time of death judged by the forensic doctor is wrong? But this is basically impossible."

    Peng Chen: "It is indeed impossible under normal circumstances, but there was a big fire that night. We always thought that the purpose of the murderer to set the fire was to In order to destroy the scene of the crime, do you think it is possible that the murderer’s fundamental purpose is to delay the time of death in order to forge his own alibi? After all, high temperature and freezing may change the time of death. On this point, you, the criminal team You should know better than me?"

    After hearing this, the Criminal Team's expression froze instantly.

    If the time of death is proved to be wrong, it will prove that Pan Xiao's alibi is also invalid, so Pan Xiao is still the biggest suspect in this case.

    He can't escape!

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