"what are you shouting for?" he then proceeded to walk away.

"whatever, scara. go to school."

i could've believe how tall childe was.

"woah, you're taller than i thought." he mumbled as he observed my figure.

"mm, yet, you're still shorter than me. you could be the tallest in my friend group."

i grinned, "why? did you think i'd be scara's height?"

he burst out laughing.

and so did i.

it made me so joyous to see childe in front of me. except this time, i wasn't seeing him behind a screen.

i was seeing him my very own eyes.

"are you guys coming or what?" scara grumbled, gesturing us to come to him.

so we did, we chased after him as he walked off.

"soo, where's the school?" i inquired.

childe smiled, "just follow us and you'll know exactly where to go."

childe gripped onto my arm and pushed me along at full speed.

"woah woah!" i cried, "i'm gonna fall slow down!!!"

"why are you running?" scaramouche groaned, chasing after us.

we went through a small alleyway that brought us to a huge town center.

it was bustling with people, even though it was approximately eight in the morning.

childe pointed to a store that was labelled "dawn winery".

"that's where me and my friends always meet to go to school." he explained.

"and if you go down the town center you'll eventually find the school. it's the big building over there, you see?"

i nodded enthusiastically.

scaramouche finally caught up to us, panting as he tried to catch his breath.

"why do we have to run?," he moaned, "so unnecessary."

while scaramouche was acting like a tempermental little brat, childe somehow managed to keep himself calm.

perhaps he was used to his short-tempered nature.

me personally, i wouldn't be able to take that behaviour. yet here i am.

my eyes blazed with excitement.

in the corner of my eye, i caught sight of a brunette-haired girl with red ends rush towards us.

when she neared, i got a closer look at her figure.

"childe! scara! and, a stranger!" she exclaimed in a joyous tone of voice, "aiya! whose this?"

she gave me a small yet cheery wave.

scaramouche just rolled his eyes and took out his phone, distracting himself and ignoring the girl.

childe nudged my shoulder, "this is hu tao. and hu tao, this is y/n."

her firey-bright eyes sparkled even more and she unexpectedly took my hand and started shaking it.

"so so so nice to meet you, y/n! actually actually..." she appeared to be in thought for a moment, "may i call you n/n instead?"

i approved, it wasn't a bad nickname at all.

i can tell i'll get along with hu tao. she matches my energy. and she's certainly extremely cheery.

some other people approached behind her.

two male teenage looking individuals came to join our circle.

one had incredibly interesting amber eyes and a black wolf cut-like style with teal highlights.

he was wearing quite baggy yet comfortable looking attire.

as for the other one, he had black hair with teal ends put into two braids. he had minty-coloured eyes and wore very distinct clothes.

he also wore these futuristic looking sunglasses that i think suited his style a lot.

"ah! venti!" hu tao giggled, "and the quiet kid xiao."

scaramouche's gaze fell upon xiao and he instantaneously went to join his side.

"where were you? why didn't you tell me which train you were getting." scaramouche interrogated.

on the contrary, xiao had a nonchalant expression. he seemed like a still person.

"i had things to do so i didn't remember," he sighed, "sorry."

"bitch." scaramouche crossed his arms, "yeah whatever. it's fine. don't do it again, shithead."

xiao just glared at him, not at all reacting to what he just uttered.

what is this guys problem??

i guess, he was just genuinely rude.

i like you, moron ✦ scaramouche x f. readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt