Chapter 14 - Big truth.

Start from the beginning

He stood behind everyone, alone. Not wanting to feel anymore uncomfortable but it seemed like all the ladies had decided together to make him uncomfortable because they all were just staring at him. And were also whispering about him which was anything but that because he could hear everything. how

God he is so good looking!

And he is too young to be a dad!

I wish my husband was like that.

He decided to ignore them and focus his attention on the teacher's rule because he was starting to feel even more uncomfortable and awkward.

But from the corner of his eyes he noticed a lady who looked very familiar. He tried to ignore it at first but then tried to take a good look to see if she was the one he was thinking but he couldn't get a better look from the back.

And This problem was solved right away because the teachers were finished with the rules and now all the kids ran back to their mom's, jiya and yash too ran back towards him but before he could say anything they held his hands and dragged him towards aarvi and her mother. Even aarvi was dragging her mom towards them.

Jiya :- "Baba This is aarvi's aai and Jhanavi aunty this is my baba!"

Sarth was shocked. He couldn't believe his own eyes that the person standing infront of him was jhanavi that too with aarvi.

Sarth - "Aarvi is jhan- that means she is-

Sarth's eyes teared up, for a minute he just looked between jhanavi and aarvi. Aarvi was grinning while jhanavi had mix look of shock and guilt. He just couldn't believe it, he felt happy and angry at the same time, happy that he has a daughter and angry that jhanavi had the audacity to hide this from him.

Jhanavi :- "Sarth..

Sarth held up his finger to stop her from saying anything in front of the kids, he then closed his eyes to hold back his tears, he didn't wanted the kids to get worried.

After a second He opened his eyes and smiled at the kids.

Sarth :- "Hey kids mahika mam is giving all the kids chocolates. Go and get yours!"

Yash , jiya and aarvi looked at mahika who was indeed giving everyone chocolates. She waved them over and before they ran off to her sarth asked the trio to stay with her for a while.

Sarth :- "Kids Please stay with mahika mam while we come back. ok?"

Trio :- "Ok!"

With that They ran off towards their mam. Only now sarth looked at jhanavi, but with extreme anger.

Jhanavi :- "Sarth-

(Please play the above music  )

Sarth shushed her then grabbed her hand and dragged her to a empty office room. He pushed her in and Locked the door behind them.


Sarth yelled at her. He wanted to stay calm but he just couldn't do that not now, not about this.

Jhanavi :- "S-sarth listen-

Sarth :- "LISTEN?! What do you want me to listen? to all of your lies? The story of your betrayal?!"

Jhanavi :- "Sarth I was going to-

Sarth glared at jhanavi he couldn't hold back he pinned her to the wall.


Sarth slammed his fist on the wall in anger which made jhanavi flinch in fear. He eyes teared up again and this time he couldn't hold back his tears.

Sarth :- "I have a daughter jhanavi , 5 year old daughter and I had no idea about her because YOU RAN AWAY WITH HER!!!"

Jhanavi :- "I didn't run away with her sarth I didn't even knew that I was pregnant when I left! I found out later-

Jhanavi tried to explain but sarth was in no mood to listen to her excuses.

Sarth :- "But you still didn't tell me! WHY JHANAVI?! WHY?!"

Sarth repeatedly punched the wall he just couldn't control the anger he was feeling. But then jhanavi stopped him, by holding his hands, she was about to caress it but he jerked her hand away.

Jhanavi :- "I'm sorry-

Sarth :- "SORRY?! Sorry is not going to bring back the 5 years I lost! Sorry is not going to bring back the time I didn't spend with my daughter! Sorry is not going to bring back the moment when my daughter was born! Sorry is not going to bring back the moment My daughter said her first words! Sorry is not going to-

Sarth burst out crying he was robbed 5 years of his daughters life. He had spend 5 years without even knowing he had a daughter, his anger was rising minute by minute.

Jhanavi :- "Sarth I-

Sarth :- "I DON'T want to hear another word jhanavi! I don't want to do anything with you! With your LIES!"

Sarth pointed his finger at jhanavi as he said this. He could see the tears of guilt in her eyes.

Jhanavi :- "Sarth I wanted to tell you but I was afraid!"

Sarth :- "AFRAID of what?!"

Jhanavi :-" I was afraid that-that-

Sarth :-" Just say it jhanavi!"

Sarth took a step towards jhanavi and she took a step back.

Jhanavi :- That I will lose her."

Sarth :- "LOSE HER?! Lose her?! Did you really think that I will take her away from you?!"

Sarth was feeling hurt how can jhanavi think that he will take away their daughter from them.
Did she really think that low of him?

Jhanavi :- "I-

Sarth :- "How can you think that jhanavi?! You really think that low of me?"

Jhanavi :- No sarth I-

Sarth pulled jhanavi close to him by her shoulders.

Sarth :- "You think that I-I me will take our daughter away from you right?You think that l am the monster who will sperate his own daughter from her mother right?"

Sarth pushed jhanavi away and strommed out of the office. He could feel his heart brake into million pieces how can jhanavi think that? How can she do that?

NOTE - English is not my native language so please forgive me if I did any mistakes.

Finally the truth is out infront of sarth now the question is what he will do? 🤔

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