Chapter 15

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"What the hell is going on here?!" Ricky alarmed as he quickly rush to switch on the light from the wall.
"Few minutes ago I saw a real ghost trying to hurt me and eat out my brains, and now..." He trailed, "What the actual heck is happening in this house!"

"It was a prank idiot! We pranked your ass. And it was really disgusting watching it get pranked. I mean you should have seen your ugly faces." Lauren laughed out loud as she throws her leg on the air.

"What is that on your face, Max?" I lean in as if to touch the beads of water formed on his head,  "Oh my God, is this sweat on your face?" I laughed, wiping my now teary eyes. "Oh lord, you're sweating too much, sweetheart. Were you scared? Oh hell you were scared. A whole Max Everton was freaking scared to the death point of his life." I laughed and the girls too were clutching their stomach for air.

"How did you guys do that?! I mean the light? The TV. The music. Oh damn, everything! How the hell?!" Jack was fustrated as he tried to pulled out his hair thinking if this was a dream or not.

"Hello!" Karen and Riele rise from behind the couch as they wave a torchlight to a confused Jack and stunned Ricky and raging Max with priceless expression.

"The horrifying music?" Jack spat again. Riele point at Addison phone as she played the music and point at the direction of the corridor. Damn! How did we get to think so good? It wasn't hard though when we got three prankster; the Everton's. And two smarties; Riele and I. Everything worked out well and spotless. Even though we wanted to laugh and got everything ruined we still tried and we nailed it to perfection!

"The scary creations on the wall? How did you do all those?!" Ricky pointed above the Tv, as if he find this all creepy and unbelieving. I mean, even I won't believe too.

Karen bend to pick the ugly toys and wave it at them with a sheepish smile.

"Then how about the freaking TV? How did you guys—" Before Ricky could finish, Riele wave my phone at them showing the controller app and they all turn their head to me while I smile at them with a laugh wanting to roll off my mouth.

The petrifying sharp nails that almost got my heart out of me?" Jack questioned again, outraged. Riele with her white powdered face showed him the tick feathers and I see the way they both; Ricky and Jack; scowl. This a death wish I can already see it.

"I swear to God who made me, if I don't get you all punched for this, then don't call me my name." Jack sneered, with clenching teeth.

"But we already call you Jackie!" Addison laughed, making Jack fume even more.

"If you guys don't see bloodstain in this house today, while I was almost frightened to death only few minutes ago, just know nobody is having peace in this house."


I couldn't finish when I felt a heavy body push me down to the ground and I was now leaning straight on it with Max on top me with raging eyes as if he was going to kill me at any moment.

I look for help but the see girls were already running as the boys charge towards them. And me, Max had me pinned to the cold floor with his eyes raging and as if piercing my soul. If really look could kill then I'd be long gone from Earth.

The small camera was still hidden in the draperies and no one knew about it except me and the girls who seem to have forgotten already. But anyways it's better it remain there if not when the boys find out everything was recorded they'd turn to wizard at night to destroy the small device that we were going to use as our evidence and threat to them. I wouldn't let that happen so it's better it remain there and later we'll come for it.

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