I Love You Xavier.

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Wednesday POV :
it was the next day and I got out of my bed and dressed up. It was the weekend today so I didn't think about anything that much I tried looking for Enid but she was no where to be found, so I just went out of my dorm and when I came down I saw Xavier. He walked up to me and said "Hey Wednesday whatchu gonna do for the weekend?" "Nothing much" I replied "Oh cool me, Ajax and Enid are going to the movies today do you wanna come?" He asked "Let me think about it..you know what I cant't do anything this weekend anyway so I'll come" I said to him

I went back to my dorm and Thing greeted me with a few tappings
"Thing I'm going to the movies today would you like to come?" I asked thing

Thing was tapping in a good manner, so I took that as a yes

The time came to go for the movies me and Enid were prepared to go, I instantly stuffed thing in my backpack and left we met with Ajax and Xavier in Jericho while Enid and Ajax were all over eachother, me and Xavier talked about some things he asked me to come over his dorm I said yes of course.

When we reached the movies we went to our seats I sat next to Xavier and Enid sat next to Ajax. Of course they had to be next eachother "Oh cool the movies starting" Xavier said

We all realized it was a horror movie honestly I enjoined horror movies... But the other two Enid and Ajax...They had to hug eachother at the middle of the movie, Me and Xavier enjoyed it, I pulled my hand to take some popcorn but then I realized Xavier hand was there I felt his hand for a second then I pulled away turning red he looked at me and asked "You okay Wednesday?" I replied with "Yes"

after the movies we were outside Enid and Ajax left so it left just me and Xavier, as we went back to nevermore we went to his dorm as he said "Wednesday take a seat" I sat down on his bed then he sat down with me "Actually Wednesday..I want to tell you something" He said "What is it." I told him

"should I ask now? " he asked
"Of course, I dont have all day" I said

"I love you Wednesday... I really do"
Those words rang in my head..I quickly got up and left his room turning red

A/n : I left yall on a cliffhanger bcz thats how rude I am /j

I'll make the next chapter today (if i can)

i love you wednesday. (xavier x wednesday) Where stories live. Discover now