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Kusanagi Godou was absolutely certain that if someone had told him he would be in this situation half a year ago he would have asked them if they what they were smoking in their spare time.

On his right side was Erica, a girl who could be regarded as an epitome of western beauty. Blonde, busty and beautiful she was what many boys envisioned when they dreamed of European girls. Right now she firmly clamped onto his arm and was sinking it into her impressive cleavage.

On his left side was Yuri, the eastern counterpoint to Erica's western appearance. She was a near perfect example of the Yamato Nadeshiko ideal that was held in high esteem by the Japanese people. Right now she was holding onto Godou's left hand and trying to pull him away from Erica with a look of flustered disapproval on her face.

And in front of him was Liliana, the latest addition to the girls in his life. Another western beauty her loveliness was more fairy like than Erica's lushness. Her silver hair, white skin and slim figure made for a third type of beauty. Right now she was glaring at him with one hand on the hilt of her sword disapproval even clearer in her eyes than in Yuri's.

This was not how he had planned to spend his vacation. He'd originally thought about going to Italy, but then Erica had mentioned that she was thinking of the same thing. He'd halted his own plans in hopes of spending a couple of weeks without having to worry about the troublesome blonde, only to find out too late that she had done likewise.

It wasn't that he disliked the witch knight, in fact the level of trust he had in her was such that he had entrusted his life to her on more than one occasion. He found her attractive, engaging and quite sexy. There were only two problems, firstly he found that simply being around her tended to drag him deeper into the troublesome world of the gods and mystics. Secondly he just couldn't understand why someone like her was interested in a normal guy like him. She was beautiful, talented, intelligent and smart, why was she wasting her time chasing a pretty much ordinary guy like him. He knew her feelings were genuine, not motivated by political gain with the circles of the magical societies, but he just couldn't understand her reasoning in chasing him so fervently.

(Yes my dear readers, Kusanagi Godou is indeed a typical action/harem protagonist, put him up against an invincible foe and he'll pull off something brilliant, ask him to understand a girls feelings and the guy is thick as two sort planks of wood and just about as insightful.)

Well whatever the case he had tried to arrange to take a week out camping in the mountains. Unfortunately Erica had somehow anticipated him despite his attempts at secrecy, when he'd gotten off the bus that had taken him to his stop he had found all three girls waiting for him. Apparently the blonde had mentioned her plans to the Hime-Miko who had insisted on coming along to ensure that nothing inappropriate took place. Liliana had also caught wind of it and decided to accompany them in her new capacity as Godou's newly sworn knight. She'd been blushing and stuttering as she explained her reasoning and Erica had mentioned someone called Karen which had caused the silver haired to blush even further and degenerate into a near stuttering wreck, much to Erica's amusement.

The four of them had all been ready with camping gear, and the three girls had steadfastly followed him despite his attempts to get away on his own. In the end he had surrendered to the seemingly inevitable and consented to setting up a joint campsite. That had led to a few hijinks as Yuri proved to have no experience with camping whatsoever. After watching her attempt at a tent collapse for the second time Godou had shown pity and move to help her.

The only problem was that Erica, whose tent had shown no signs of instability, had then found herself plagued by problems of her own and had asked the Campione to help her. Not to be outdone by her rival Liliana had also developed an inability to set up a tent meaning that Godou had to help her as well. Then to top it off when he finally got round to preparing his own tent he found that a number of essential pegs and pins had gone missing, meaning that erecting his tent was impossible.

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