"The first such recruited servant was one Yamada Yusuke, a famed accountant with underworld contacts. I and others have been able to confirm that he has re-established his connections under new aliases and has been building fake backgrounds for Emiya-sama and his companion."

"How does an accountant become famous?" enquired on of the family heads.

"By keeping a bankrupt company running for several years past the point that it should have collapsed simply through creative bookkeeping. That and by leaving such a spectacular mess to come out with his death that it held the front page on multiple newspapers for six days." Answered the agent.

"Why would a King require the services of such a man?" asked another member, this time affiliated to the Kuhoutsuka family.

"Because as far as we can tell he is trying to remain as inconspicuous as possible while not overly limiting himself. We have learnt that one of his Authorities grants him access to enormous wealth, were he to display such riches with abandon then even our resources would be strained to contain the public fallout. By employing the talents of this kind of man he can quietly build a fortune in such a way that only the most detailed investigation would turn up anything suspicious. It is, in my own humble estimation, a brilliant move."

"So the eighth Campione is an intelligent man? What has your investigation been able to bring to light about the man himself?" the current head of the Sayanomiya spoke up again, asking the question that had drawn them all to this meeting.

"Based on the report that the Witenagemot have published as well as my own observations I have compiled a report that I shall now present." As he spoke Gendo reached out and tapped a button on his laptop bringing up a picture of both the new Campione and his young companion.

"Firstly I feel that the theory posed by the Witenagemots agents is close to the truth but slightly erroneous. Their belief that both him and his companion as some sort of hermitical apprentices is only slightly off. Based on my own observations I believe that it is in fact his young companion who was the heir to some reclusive mage."

His finger pushed another button and the screen filled with an image of the white haired girl gleefully running down the roads of a shopping arcade.

"She appears to be by far the more capable of the pair when it comes to general magic from what we have been able to observe. She also seems to be able to erect some sort of boundary around any room or building that they are occupying. This barrier makes them practically invisible to any mystical attempts to locate them; it was only because they moved to a more industrialized area that we were able to track them. Without the use of modern methods such as closed circuit cameras and the like it would have been far more difficult.

"Aside from that she has displayed high level hypnosis, a number of illusion spells and the ability to use some form of thread magic that we are still trying to identify. However one thing that we were able to confirm is that her body contains an astonishingly high amount of magical energy. We are as yet unclear as to exactly how much she possesses, but from what we were able to scry she's closer in level to a Divine Ancestor than to a human. She unquestionably has a high level of divine blood to possess such power, perhaps only four or five generations removed.

"We are also sure that she has been raised in close to total isolation for much of her life. She has shown herself to be thrilled by some of the commonest things, and has proven to be extremely affectionate and possessive of the eighth Campione."

His finger worked once more and a new picture appeared, this one of the girl openly glaring at a pretty young woman talking to the red haired teen.

"Emiya-sama is also a mage from what we have determined, however his own skill set is far more limited than the childs. As the Witenagemot report mentioned his abilities appear to be purely combat oriented in nature. However unlike his companion he is clearly more at home in a heavily built up and crowded area.

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