7- nightshades

797 37 3

published: january 2, 2023

The bag is removed from my head and I open my eyes to see a projector flashing bright lights toward me. I feel around me and notice there are ropes around my wrists, as well as my sister's, who is sitting next to me. We are surrounded by a group of people in black cloaks. 

"Who dares breach our inner sanctum?" A voice booms out into the silence. 

Wednesday scoffs. "You can take the mask off, Bianca." 

I look between the voice and my sister confused as to how the hell she knew that. I can hardly even focus on how many people are in the room. My hands work at the knot around my wrists before moving onto my sister's. The people in the room drop their hoods and take off their masks. Standing around us now are Bianca, her siren friends, Yoko, Ajax and Xavier. The others I don't recognize. 

"Wait I preferred you with it on." Wednesday comments as Ajax turns off the projector. Bianca rolls her eyes. 

"How did you get down here?" Xavier asks. 

"Rowan showed me." Wednesday tilts her head down to her chest. "Left pocket." 

Xavier crosses the room and reaches into the pocket she stated. He pulls out a piece of folder up paper. Once he opens it, I see that it is the same paper that Wednesday grabbed off of Rowan after we were attacked. 

"I tracked the watermark from the bottom of the page to the Poe statue. Then I solved the riddle." 

"Wait there's a riddle? I thought we just snapped twice!" One of the sirens call out. The other members of the group sigh. 

"Well aren't you the brightest of the bunch." I comment. 

"The Nightshades are an elite social club." Bianca interrupts. "Emphasis on elite." 

"We have roof parties, camp outs, and the occasional midnight skinny dip." Yoko adds, winking at one of the girls to her right.

The girl smiles. "And Yoko is an amateur mixologist." 

"She makes a killer virgin mojito. It can get pretty wild." Ajax adds, smiling toward me. 

"Wow, do you guys even have a bedtime?" Wednesday snarks. I roll my eyes, she's so much right now and so on my nerves. "Last I heard, the Nightshades had been disbanded." 

"Yeah the group kind of lost its charter thirty years ago after some Normie kid died." Xavier explains. 

"But we have a lot of wealthy alumni," Yoko states. "so Weems looks the other way as long as nobody makes any waves."

"Someone like Rowan?" Wednesday asks.

"We booted that loser last semester." Bianca pauses and looks at the two of us. "Question is, what are we going to do with them? Only members are allowed in this library."

I see Xavier looking over at Wednesday, a light sparks in his eyes. "I say we invite her to pledge. I mean, them to pledge."

Bianca looks at him like he's crazy. "What?" 

"They are legacy." Xavier points toward the photo of Mother and Father on the wall.

"After the crap Y/N pulled at the Poe Cup and Wednesday pulls everyday? There's no way in hell." Bianca complains. "We talk about waves? They are tsunamis." 

"Just because I beat you at your own game?" I question. 

"Let me save you the trouble." Wednesday interrupts me. "We aren't interested in joining." 

I turn to her. "I don't need you to speak for me, Wednesday." 

She glares at me for a moment. "I'm not interested in joining." She corrects.

"You're seriously turning us down?" Someone asks. 

"Can you believe it?" She says her tone reeking of sarcasm and rudeness. 

The group looks around in confusion. Bianca turns to look at me. "Untie her." 

"I untied myself five minutes ago." I state, grabbing my rope and throwing it in front of me. "I untied her too." Wednesday follows my lead, throwing her rope on the ground in front of us. She immediately stands up and grabs the paper from Xavier. She looks back at me, looking for me to follow her like I normally do. But I don't. She holds my gaze for a moment longer before making her way toward the exit. 

"It's amateurs like you that give kidnapping a bad name." She says before disappearing up the staircase. 

Everyone turns to look at me. Ajax speaks first. 

"So, you want to join the Nightshades?" He asks with a smile. 

I look around the room, everyone seems accepting enough. My eyes catch Ajax and for the first time since arriving at Nevermore I let out a real smile. "Let's do it." 


(A/N Sorry for no updates recently. I got caught up in other things. Will try to put more out soon! For now enjoy this short chapter as an apology.)

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