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third person pov...

"Are you sure this is where we found the siren?" Billy asks, unsure of where they were. Billy was nervous, he tends to be calm but now he's a wreck. What if something goes wrong, he couldn't help but worry for all the possible outcomes.

"Chill out, Billy! I'm pretty sure we're in the right location." Robin assures, laying back against a wooden pole. To be honest, Robin wasn't even sure they were in the right location but one little white lie will be fine, he's just trying to calm Billy down.

Vance turns the wheel sharply, causing Billy to stumble. "Are you questioning my map skills?" Vance interrogates, chuckling as he watches Billy trip over himself because of his harsh turn.

"Nope, but I sure am questioning your driving skills." Billy huffs, getting up from the floor and dusting himself off. He blocks the laughs coming from Bruce as fixes a broken sail since Robin already had his turn of frustration.

"Oh my god!" All heads turn to Griffin, who was the one screaming. "Slow down or-..at least stop!" Griffin continues to hold onto the edge of the ship, lifting his head up from looking below the ship.

Vance slows down abruptly and steers into the shallow parts of the ocean. "What's wrong, Griffin?" Vance asks, both annoyed and concerned. He lets down an anchor and walks towards Griffin. He looks below the ship and his eyes widen, it was the siren.

"He's injured, Vance! His tail is stuck, we have to help him come on!" Griffin runs off before Vance could get a word in. He runs into a room, opening up random drawers. Bruce runs in as well and opens up a drawer, taking out a box of medical supplies.

"I got the medical supplies!" Bruce calls out, walking back on deck with Griffin following behind. The two see Vance, Robin, and Billy already getting off the ship. "Come on Griffin!" Bruce begins to speed up towards ladder and Griffin runs after him.

Vance is the first to approach the siren. But obviously, the siren wasn't having it. He began to aggressively swim, in hopes to get his tail out the board. It only made it worse though, blood began to be seen with blue waves, turning into a purplish shade. 

The siren's breathing can be heard, fast and scared. "Look, we ain't gonna hurt ya'. We just trying to help you." Vance speaks in a gentle voice, trying to keep the siren from hurting himself more. Both Robin and Billy look at eachother then back at Vance. It wasn't everyday they hear vance speak in such a quiet tone.

"Okay, we're here..." Bruce's voice fades off as he sees the poor siren, scared and hurt. "Oh shit." Bruce approaches the siren next as Griffin takes place next Billy, who is observing the whole situation.

"You sure you got this Bruce?" Robin asks, wanting to make sure Bruce was comfortable. Bruce nods turning back towards the siren, looking at him with gentle eyes. He comes closer to the siren but the siren flinches away, splashing Bruce in the face with water.

"Pfft-..." Robin holds in a laugh while Bruce glares at him and shakes his head. Bruce takes out a roll of bandages and hands the box to Vance who takes it without a word.

"Can I touch you? I'm just trying to help I swear." Bruce asks for consent. The siren nods hesitantly but flinches a few times as Bruce comes closer to touching his tail. Bruce begins to carefully remove the siren's tail which causes the siren to wail in pain. 

"Shit, this is going to hurt. Hey! One of you guys try to distract him from the pain." Vance, Robin, Billy, and Griffin nod. They get closer to the siren who begins to cave in, not familiar with any of these humans.


Finney is absolutely terrified. These five humans are coming closer to him, he's in pain, and he has no idea what to do. He's to afraid to speak and just lets out small noises. A boy with long brown hair in a ponytail approaches him slowly.

Finney jumps back a bit and the human frowns. "We're trying to help, not hurt. Uh...I'm uh Robin and these are my buddies." The boy said to be Robin nudges the boy with curly blonde hair who nods.

"I'm Vance. Pleasure to meet you." Vance introduces himself with a rough but timid voice. Another boy comes closer to Finney with a huge smile. 

"I'm Griffin and this is Billy! You look so cool, and your tail is really pretty...you're pretty. Oh shoot, sorry I'm rambling but I've never seen a siren before and-..." Billy elbows Griffin, signaling him to shut up.

Finney giggles, it's a small sound but the five humans notice and blush. Finney turns his head, facing the last human who hasn't introduced himself yet. The boy looks up from his tail that he's bandaging and his cheeks are tinted with a light pink. "Oh! Sorry, I'm Bruce. Nice to meet you."

Finney lets out a small smile and opens his mouth. "...I'm Finney.." Finney's voice is soft and quiet. Bruce stares at him for a moment but shakes his head. "You have a very pretty voice." Bruce whispers as he continues to wrap Finney's injured fin. 

"All done." Bruce smiles and Finney returns the gesture with a sweet smile. Finney nods and lets his fin sink into the ocean. Finney looks around and back at the humans.

"Thank you." Finney whispers and begins to flap his tail gently, making sure it's not to injured to the point where he can't swim. Thankfully, his tail doesn't hurt too bad. 

"Of course." Bruce nods and stand up from the shallow water. Vance and Robin stand up as well but Griffin and Billy linger near Finney. Finney tilts his head cutely, a bit confused to why the two were still near him.

"Uhm, do you think we could meet again. I would really love to get to know you." Griffin pleads. Finney's breath bitches and his eyes look everywhere but Griffin. Finney knows it wouldn't be easy to see humans again, sure these humans were kind but what if they use him? Or even capture him and bring him to evil humans.

Finney hesitates in answering but he can't help but in give in to Griffin's puppy eyes, "I...maybe." Finney's voice is still timid but somewhere in his heart, he really wants to meet once again with these humans. Just once more.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2022 ⏰

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