Chapter 7: Vegas

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    After four quick phone calls and some violent information extraction, I knew exactly which pier warehouse Big Wang was using. Dressed in all black, we didn't even bother sneaking around. We moved quickly, eager to be done with it. I sent Porsche to watch the rear exit while taking Pete and Arm with me for the sweep. I had considered sending Pete to the other door, but the itching inside me only calmed when I decided to keep Pete close. I needed him within eyesight for some unexplainable reason. Despite my apprehensions, Pete looked serious and I felt stupid for worrying about him. He turned out to be a better shot than I expected as we walked through the stacks of products, taking out Big Wang's minions one by one. The drug dealer's security was laughable and soon enough our small group had him surrounded.

    Big Wang dropped to his knees, begging and pleading for his life like the fucking coward he was. All these men were always the same. They liked to act tough, but the second they were in danger they folded like cheap suits. This was why we were always having issues. Any of them would turn on you in a second to save their own skin. I took pride in setting myself apart. I was only loyal to myself, and the second that changed and I submitted to another man I would beg that man to kill me.

    As carefully as one would approach a wounded animal, I moved toward Big Wang with a black hood in my hands. Quick as lightning, I tossed the cover over his head. Damn, it felt nice to be on the other side of a kidnapping.

    Wanting to have as much fun as possible, I locked Big Wang in the small basement cell in the minor family compound with the body of one of Don's men who had flipped and spilled Big Wang's whereabouts but had refused to give up his employer. I had gone a little crazy with the body, leaving it bloody and mangled and on full display for my captive to appreciate. When we approached, I crouched down to get a better view of Big Wang's terror.

    "What do you want?" he said. "I've sent you everything on time, huh?"

    Careful, Big Wang. I wouldn't want you spilling too much in front of Kinn's men.

    I told him that I didn't want to hurt him. I only wanted his help to get to Don. Big Wang started yelling and gesticulating wildly. He did not want to cooperate easily. That was fine. I only needed him for another day or two. I nodded my head toward the grotesque corpse and let Big Wang know that the only options he had were to either help me or join that guy. His answer came easy after that.

    Satisfied with how the mission was going, I relaxed in the shower that night, letting the water run over my body and caress my tense muscles. Despite the excitement of the day, I wasn't tired. On the contrary, I was wide awake. I wondered if Pete was showering at the same time as me and my cock twitched. I conjured the image of him in front of me, water streaming through his dark hair and onto his pale skin in rivulets. The apparition parted its lips, moaning as he touched himself gingerly. His eyes closed. No. Opened again. Much better. I began stroking myself in tandem with the specter of my desire, the pace quickening as I panted. I imagined him getting on his knees, the rhythm never faltering. He opened his mouth as I shot my load. Rather than coming on his face, I hit the tile wall with a frustrated groan. I needed to fuck Pete and be done with him.

    I finished bathing and threw on a floor-length silk robe. Feeling reckless, I strolled down the hallway, loudly clearing my throat as I passed Pete's room on my way to the kitchen. He was probably asleep, but my behavior had moved somewhere beyond my control. I took my time in the kitchen, sipping my glass of water while I cleared my mind. Part of me had been hoping that Pete would run into me "accidentally". I knew he would only be following me on Kinn's orders and not out of personal interest, but I was feeling weak enough to accept what I could get. My glass emptied with Pete nowhere in sight, so I made my way back up to my room. On the stairs, I avoided one step in particular and sure enough, a few seconds later I heard a light creaking. Bingo. Pete had improved, but he was still no match for me. Ignoring the sound, I kept walking. After entering the secret code that revealed the hidden door, I slipped into my office. I immediately moved to the computer to check the hallway camera on the monitor. The camera was in a painting at eye level, rather than up in a corner where it would be expected. It gave me a clearer view of the faces of those who dared come into my wing.

I Get Heaven to Myself (Minor Family Supremacy Series: Vegas) (VegasPete)Where stories live. Discover now