Chapter 6: Vegas

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    I buried myself in work. It wasn't hard to stay motivated with Pa breathing down my neck constantly. With Kinn in the hospital still, Pa wanted me to prove myself useful. Honestly, it was in our best interest to be on top of things as well. We weren't the only ones itching at the chance of a power shake-up. Several small gangs were using the same opportunity we were to get what we could before Uncle could stop them. It was a game of Jacks: everyone was willing to risk it all to be the piece Korn couldn't grab in time.

    Case in point: someone was trying to sabotage one of the small casinos. Rather than team up from the beginning, Pa and Uncle Korn decided to be competitive, as usual. It suited me just fine. I wasn't eager to be taking orders from Uncle Korn or Kinn.

    My team and I arrived at the casino in time to witness absolute mayhem. People were screaming and scrambling for the exit. The man who was the cause of the distress was shoving through the crowd, trying to get away. In a fluid motion, I kicked him in the chest, sending him flying to the floor as I drew my gun and pointed it at his face. Stomping my black boot onto his sternum, I held him in place as Pete, Porsche, and Big approached.

    "A win for the minor family," I said, smirking at their looks of disappointment. At least this time, Pa could be proud of me. Not only that, but I had shown a glimmer of my potential to Kinn's men.

    Together, the four of us and my team hauled our captive to the basement of the main house where we were joined by the nerd in the glasses who usually followed Thankhun around. Arm had been on my radar for a while because he seemed particularly close to Pete. I could tell he had a crush on him. Not even Pete seemed to be aware of it. Further proof that Pete was oblivious.

    I half listened as Porsche spoke to Kinn on the phone from across the caged room. Pete stood mere feet away from me while we watched Big beat the captive. I was fucking bored. This was a child's game. I had better things I could have been doing, like literally any other shit. I let out a sigh as Pete told Big to stop, saying, "He could die."

    Could he though? From that weak shit? Maybe after fifteen hours. Was Pete a softy? How could he be doing his job properly while feeling sorry for the trash we hurt and threw away? Ridiculous.

    I picked up my travel kit and stood up, ready to get the real party started.

    "Let me try," I said, unenthused.

    "What are you doing, Khun Vegas?" Pete asked quickly, clearly distressed.

    I was starting to become disillusioned with Pete. Perhaps that was for the best. Maybe I had read him wrong. Something in him had called out to the darkness within me, but perhaps it had just been wishful thinking.

    "I've got my own method," I said, opening my small briefcase and putting on the raincoat to keep my clothes clean. "I think you all should go wait outside. You could lose your appetite."

    I imagined that Pete and the others would be retching soon enough. The other three moved their feet quickly at my urging, but to my surprise, Pete lingered. I wish he would make up his mind. When he did things like that, he only got my hopes up that maybe he was different. Maybe he was special enough to play with me one day.

    Or maybe he had just been slow because he was scared and stupid. That had to be it.

    I took out my frustrations on the man sitting in front of me. Slowly. Methodically.

    I was nothing if not patient. When things weren't just handed to you like they were to Kinn and the others, you learned to bide your time. Persistence was the key. You had to keep the focus on your goal. Eventually, the others would slip up.

I Get Heaven to Myself (Minor Family Supremacy Series: Vegas) (VegasPete)Where stories live. Discover now