Chapter 13 : The War of Moron

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Out Boy Drake was looking for Kina who last time make Drake upset leaving his Pajama Party , now he gather people to help find him

Drake : ok , let,s see if everyone here , Issei

Issei : I'm here

Drake : Koneko

Koneko : present

Drake : Saji

Saji : why m i even here

Drake : you own me for not showing up into my man Pajama Party

Saji : i was kidnaped my ladies man

Drake : i know and i don't care so let's continue, Pulsemon

Pulsemon : I'm here man

Drake : and last is Tsubaki

Tsubaki : i will find my boyfriend no matter what

Drake : oh you two are together , congratulations

Taubaki : yeah , he don't know about this , yet

Drake : eh , you will got him for sure , now we have to find out blonde boy

They start looking for him when Drake got hungry and they made a break for Mc Donald , also there was two Digimons there

Drake : hey guys , you sure humans don,t have problem with you two

Troopmon 4 : nah, we are on break

Troopmon 43 : yup , tommorow we are getting ready for war

Taubaki : war ? What you talking about hazmat mask

Troopmon 43 : that's a coolest nickname anyone ever give me

Troopmon 4 : that fallen angels Kokabiel will start war tommorow and our boss recruit three people to help us

Issei : are those people have blonde , blue and chestnut hair

Troopmons : yes

Drake : phew , now i know Kiba is safe

Troopmon 4 : yeah , tomorrow they will show up on battlefield to help you guys

Koneko : can we contact them

Troopmon 43 : sorry , they are training now , tommorow you will meet with them

Drake : oh boomer , thanks for the information guys

So after the MC Donald they return to Orc with good and bad news , both understand the situation and start working on plan , it was a new day afternoon and everyone was taking positions, Sona and her Peerage were making a barrier so no one can see everything, Rias and her Peerage with Ogremon crue are waiting outside , Drake with his fallen angels are with them

Rias : Drake why are you wearing a pot on your head

Drake : to look badass , and aslo after the fight i will cook something for dinner

Then skies turn dark and fallen angels started to show up , with Kokabiel who was sitting on throne

Drake : that's a one ugly elf

Kokabiel : he he he he lets the war begin


Kokabiel : why should I answer the question of a human , who going to be devour by a doggies

Then he summon three Cerberuses that were ready to pound him until Drake whistles, then there was a earthquake and the big amount of Troopmons and Skull Knightmons show up , with them there were also three other types of digimons

Digimon DxD ( Digimon Tamer OC x Highschool DxD )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu