Chapter 2 : The Tunnels and Fallen

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It was a new day for our crazy champ Drake who was for some reason digging a hole outside the school , no one see this becouse students have classes now so why he is outside , having special papers allow him do to what he want , teachers are glad because he is super anoying

* Location : Classroom *

Teacher : ok students before we start i have a good and bad news , the good new is that Drake is not here and bad is that he doing his shinanigans again

Sona : so where is he ?

Teacher : look outside

Students look into window to se him digging a hole in backyard

Drake : I'm digging a hole , a hole to the underground, I'm digging a hole , hole to the underground ,

everyone stare at him , some chuckle, some are confused but there is a one person that eye start to twitch form frustration


Drake stop digging and look around to see his classmates , he Wave to them and  continues digging

Sona : Teacher can i go and deal with him

Teacher : sure , just don,t get yourself hurt

Back to our Madlad who was digging the hole , when he finished digging he found an underground tunel

Drake : this is it , time to jump and deal with the Digimon of the day

He jump into tunnel , when Sona arrives she notice the massive hole

Sona : Drake i know you dare , get our from this hole now

But no one answered

Sona : that it , I'm coming for you

She jump into the hole and she found herself in underground tunnel

Sona : what the... A tunel under the Academy ? What kind of secrets this idiot keeping from us

Meanwhile back to classroom

Tsubaki : do you find anything about him Rias

Rias : you will be so surprised, i thing Sona going to find out about this too

Tsubaki : what you mean

Akeno : so he have a small unknown creature as pet , his sacred gear allow him to create a metal claws and he was fighting a small golem at the park

Tsubaki : did someone open portal to familiar forest and they all escape

Rias : nope , Koneko says that they have different aura , they have to be some kind of new treat or something

Tsubaki : so we have to find more about him

Rias : yup , and turn him into a devil so we can keep him away from his crazy games

Back to the tunnel Drake and Bibimon that was hidden inside backpack where exploring the tunnels

Drake : i wonder what kind of  Digimon make those tunnels and what is his plan

Bibimon : i smell four Digimons in this place but also i smell someone else

Drake : Bill Cosby

Bibimon : who is that ?

Drake : i don,t know but i like this name

Bibimon : oh , it's smell like devil

Drake : oh no , it's Papa Geno's

Bibimon : who ?

Drake : another silly name i came up with

Bibimon : and last , it's a girl

Digimon DxD ( Digimon Tamer OC x Highschool DxD )Where stories live. Discover now