Interrupting Kurapika made him narrow his eyes at the door but quickly went back to normal once he recalls who is there.

Getting up from the sofa and to the door, a short woman with straight grayish hair around her head was revealed to be his friend waiting outside. Stepping inside, Kurapika walks her over to me as I stared at them.

"Y/n, this is my friend Melody, she will check what has happened to you," Kurapika says as Melody sits down next to me.

"Y/n, can you explain what happened yesterday if you remember? And what happened when you first woke up today?" Melody asked in a gentle tone that was soothing and comforting.

I searched for an answer that could be helpful with my sudden memory loss.

"I-I don't know, I just woke up and I can't seem to recall anything about yesterday." I exclaimed, my eyes gazing nervously at my lap and shaking my head.

Kurapika who was standing sat down on my left side. Hands clasped at my one, Kurapika asked me,

"Do you know anything about yourself?"

His question got me thinking for a minute. What did I like? What do I hate? I certainly don't remember anything.

"I don't know," I answered, not sure what to think anymore.

Melody looked deep in thought before speaking,

"I heard of this somewhere about amnesia but after remembering things you forget it later on for the brain to heal."

Kurapika and her looked at each other. My worried expression revealed itself. The only reason why I couldn't remember was for the brain to heal. But I wonder if any traumatic event happened to me during my accident.

"But I know a solution, it's best to give Y/n a journal to write down her day, date, and what she had done and what happened. It would be easier that way y/n can go back and read every time she forgets."

"Thank you Melody it's a great idea. I will be right back." Kurapika gets up and leaves the room. Melody's calm expression turns into a serious one.

"Y/n listen, before he comes back it's best to let you know what Kurapika had said to you before was a lie. You were kidnapped. Keep this a secret from him." She handed me a post which has the location and the time. I took it from her and placed it inside the back pocket of my pants.

Even if I'm aware I wouldn't remember.

"I don't know who this person is but I do know they don't have bad intentions. I am aware that Kurapika was wrong in taking you u away. Kurapika loves you with all his heart, he wishes you to be happy with him." Melody quickly whispers to me before footsteps were heard.

The Kurta came back with a black journal in his hand. He lend me the notebook and I gladly took it from him

"It would be much better to know you have something to do when I'm gone," His eyes soften before he continues. "I'll try to bring in more board games for you and me to play with."

"Yeah, that would be more fun."

After Melody had left, Kurapika and I bid her goodbye. The evening was spent with me and Kurapika creating origami, I tried to create one and Kurapika had to keep helping me. I had never done anything like that before.

We painted random things and added colors to them which made me end up accidentally smearing paint on my face since I forgot that I had paint on my hands. Kurapika laughed at me because of my forgetfulness.

Now it was around 8:00 pm and it was time for bed. After changing into my pajamas, I jotted down everything in my journal including the time and the date. I wrote down how I felt throughout the day; but I never wrote about the post-it, just in case Kurapika ever reads it. The tiny note was still in the pants pocket, hidden away in the closet.

I had written down in the journal how much I love the closet and my outfit. The yellow note and I dreamt about that. I hope it's not too obvious that Kurapika would find out easily.

After I was done writing, I placed the book inside the drawer of the nightstand beside the bed and then laid down, about to go and sleep.

"Y/n." He called as I lifted my head to him, signaling I'm listening as I gazed at Kurapika. He sat down next to me on the bed, staring at me with his eyes that were filled with happiness.

"I just want to let you know that whatever happens, I will always love you."

"Oh and I um, I hope I can one day regain my memories back and the memories of us too," I told him, feeling awkward.

He smiled, "Yeah, that's all I wanted to say. Goodnight Y/n."

"Goodnight Kurapika."

The door shut

The moment I had laid my head on the pillow, a voice whispered out to me.


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