The Tangent

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On a rainy Sunday afternoon, Vibing to some Lo-fi beats, Lee decides to join tinder, clearly breaking the rules since he is a 16-year-old. His friend, Brannon, recently got a girlfriend using tinder and hopes to try any way he can to find love.

"She has a cute intro and whoa! we're a perfect match ", he thinks to himself

Excitedly he calls Carly to tell her about this girl,

"We had a 98% match, this might just be the one, I can feel it", exclaims Lee

"Let's see her picture," Carly asks

"Well it says it's gonna be a surprise"

"That's weirdly suspicious, how old,"

It says 18 but I think she's younger than me"

"what's her name?", Carly asks

"Well I'm not so sure yet, I only know the username"

"Which is?"

"I love big daddies underscore 625 and before you say anything I am a Big Daddy after all."

Carly starts to laugh loudly

Maybe a little bit too loud cause it woke her dad up and he began to scream at her.

It turned out he was home because he had been fired from yet another job, for what reason, only God knows.

Lee tries to ask Carly for advice but she had already been dragged into hell by her so-called father.

"I'll just have to wing it, show her my charm and all that you know."

He sets up a date at salt masters restaurant for 7 pm.

He got dressed in a Nike gray hoodie, The Lebron downforce dribble 1st edition his mom got him, and some shorts.

"Nothing over the top but might just be enough to win her over.", he says

He looks in the mirror and starts to admire himself, maybe for too long

He catches a glimpse of the watch on the mirror's reflection

"SHOOT!, It's already 6:30, I'm gonna be late."

He looks all over for his car keys but then remembers it was at the Bodyshop,

Hurriedly he then takes his brother's car keys and leaves a note saying "I O U"

"She's probably bored of waiting for me, I better speed up."

10 minutes later.

After a long struggle trying to reverse park due to the mall's new policy, he parks and starts to rush to get inside but

at the door, he meets a girl just about his age, very attractive and he begins to wonder if that was "I love big daddies" since he had never seen her before. Lee walks toward the girl and says,

"um hey I'm not sure who I'm looking for but are you I love big daddies 625"

The girl slowly laughs and says,

"Online dating huh, been there done that"

"Yeah, It's my first time so I don't really know what to expect", Lee says nervously

"Just be yourself if she doesn't like you for you don't bother trying, I'm Ava by the way"

She pulls out a piece of paper and hands it over to lee' "call me" she says in an indirectly flirty voice

"I uh um o o-ok, I will, goodnight."

Brannon who happens to work there spots lee and walks up to him and says,

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