Chapter 2

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3rd Person

The next day, when Soda, Steve and Two-bit walked into the Curtis house that was how they found Ponyboy and Johnny. Johnny, stretched out on the couch with his head in Pony's lap and a blanket draped over his body, his hands curled under Pony's leg. And Pony sitting up right with his head dropped onto his chest, one hand draped across Johnnys shoulders and the other still tangled in Johnnys hair.

"Ugh my head is killing me!"

Steve complained as he walked through the door, he didn't even notice the two younger boys, but walked straight to the kitchen.

"You Steve Randle are a load of weak sauce. You only had like, what? 6 drinks? Pathetic."

Two was laughing at Steve's pathetic groaning, feeling perfectly fine himself despite drinking at least half the liquor at the party. He too didn't notice the younger boys on the couch, but as Soda walked through the door, exhausted but sober, he noticed the pair instantly.

"Two-bit shut up and get back in here! You to Randle, you gotta see this!"

He whisper shouted to the boys in the kitchen. The two appeared back in the living room confused but their expressions melted when they spotted the two young boys on the couch.

"Well I'll be dammed, Pony didn't even make it to his own bed. I swear those two are attached at the hip these days."

Two-bit remarked at the sight shaking his head slightly, Steve and Soda were on a different page though.

"The little bitch is finally making a move, took his sweet time."

"Don't call him a bitch you dickhead he's my brother."

"He's still a little bitch, your brother or not."

"Do you wanna fight Randle? Cuz I'll kick your sorry ass."

"Ha that's funny you couldn't even kick a trees ass."

"Oh yea? Wanna find out?"

"You're on buddy."

Soda grabbed Steve's head and wrestled him into a headlock, Steve was trying to kick out Sodas legs and Two-bit had to pull them apart before they crashed into the floor.

"Can it, it's seven am, it's to early. Besides what were you going on about Steve? About Pony?"

"Reckon he finally made a move on Johnny last night is all."

He smoothed back he's half greased hair from the day before but Soda shook his head.

"Pones to oblivious to successfully make a move on anyone."

Two-bit looked at Steve and Soda confusedly.

"You mean..?"

He gestured with his hand to the two boys on the couch.

"Those two?"

"Um yea? Have you not been paying attention lately? Why'd you think their always 'attached at the hip'"

Said Steve making finger quotes around the last part. Soda nodded vigorously in agreement, he started moving toward the kitchen.

"We're gonna wake 'em if we keep talking in there. But yea Two how have you not noticed? Johnny's kinda better at hiding it but Pone's terrible."

Soda laughed at the memory of Ponyboy staring at Johnny and getting caught, then brushing it off as thinking about homework. Two was dumbfounded, he sat down at the kitchen table puzzling over this new information.

"Damn, I knew I was dumb but not that dumb. Hey Soda where'd Darry hide the coffee this month?"

He asked getting up again and beginning to rummage through the cabinets. It was no secret that Darry hid the Curtis's stash of coffee from Two-bit since it was expensive and Two never finished a cup, he just liked to pretend he was sophisticated and ended up using all the Curtis coffee. Soda sighed and walked over to a cabinet, reaching into the very back he pulled out an old biscuit tin the contained the Curtis's stash of Coffee.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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