"I'll have a beer." He slides the bar keep some money and in return he gets the beer. I turn my attention to the tv that started talking shit about mutants again. That stuff really pisses me off.

"You owe me some money." I look over at the guy and see that the guy he beat is behind him.

"Trust me, asshole, you really don't want to do this. You lost the fight, therefore you lost your money fair and square."

"No one takes a beating like that without a mark to show for it. I know what you are."

"Good for you, fuck face."

My eyes widen seeing the guy take out a switchblade.

"Watch out!" I yell out.

The blonde guy rises from his seat, thrusting his hand out and I watch as the guy is thrown against the wall and held there by literally nothing.

The blonde guy glances at me before he lowers his hand, the other guy falling to the floor.

"An asshole like you isn't even worth the damn trouble."

He throws some money on the counter and walks out.

Not seeing a reason to stick around anymore, I stand up pulling my backpack on as I exit the bar.

I take out my map, tracing the highway with my finger before I start following the road out of town.

I put the map back in my pocket as I spot a car coming in my direction. I hold my thumb out, hoping to catch a ride but it just speeds by me splashing me with cold slush water.

"Fucking asshole." I mutter as I wipe the slush off of my coat trying to stop the shiver I feel creeping up my spine. I look up as a dirty white pick up truck pulls up alongside me. The window rolls down and I see that it's the blonde guy from the bar.

"You know that you're going to freeze your ass off out here, right?"

"I guess." I weakly shrug.

He sighs, running a hand through his hair and refusing to look at me. ".....get in the damn car."

"Are you serious?"

"Just do it before I change my mind."

I gladly get in the car, setting my backpack down by my feet as he pulls away. I pull my seat belt on, noticing that he isn't wearing one but I would rather be safe than sorry.

"You hungry, kid?"

"I guess."

He reaches into the glove compartment grabbing a candy bar and hands it to me. I take my gloves off to eat it, watching as he lights himself another cigarette and makes sure that all the smoke goes out the window he has cracked open.

"I'm Dipper." I try being social to make the ride less awkward. He just remains silent barely even glancing at me. I notice a dog tag around his name. The name on it reading Demon. "Were you in the army? That means you were in the army doesn't it?" He just hides the dog tag under his shirt.

"Those gloves of yours are total shit you know."

"I know but they were all that I had."

He turns the heat on and reaches over making sure the vent is facing me. I quickly make sure my hands don't touch him, knowing that he noticed my reaction. I finish eating and quickly pull the gloves back on.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, kid."

"It's nothing personal. I just don't like being touched."


"People get hurt."

"Where are you even from?"


"You don't have a Michigan accent."

"Originally I was from California then my family moved to Michigan."

"Is California where you're trying to get back to?"

"I guess. When you....you know....what exactly is that?"

"Telekinesis as far as I can tell."

"Does it hurt?"

"Depends on what I'm doing. What kind of name is Dipper?"

"What kind of name is Demon?"

He scoffs slightly and is silent for a few more minutes. "....the name is Bill."

I smile slightly, glad he trusted me with his name. "Dipper is a nickname. My birth name is Mason."

He glances at me with a small smile, his eyes landing on my hat. "Don't be surprised if I end up calling you Pinetree."

"You know you should really wear a seatbelt."

"I don't need safety advice from-"

A tree falls in front of the road out of nowhere, cutting the conversation short as the truck hits it full force.

I groan in pain, my head hurthing from hitting the dashboard so hard. I look at the windshield and see a hole where Bill was throws out of the truck.

Looking out in the snow I see him stagger up to his feet and turn to me, a wide gash on his forehead healing all on its own.

"Are you alright, Pinetree?"

"Y-Yeah." I try to unbuckle the seatbelt but it won't move. "I-I'm stuck."

"Hang on, I'm coming."

Smelling smoke I look behind me and see that his cigarette caused a fire in the back of the truck.

"Bill, hurry! There's a fire!"

"Just hang on."

He's nearly at the truck when a figure comes out of nowhere hitting him so hard that he is thrown against the side of the truck and knocked out cold.

The figure makes eye contact with me. I can see he has razor sharp teeth like a wild animal. I pull harder at the seat belt as he comes closer but is stopped as snow swirls around him throwing him off to the side.

A woman with snow white hair opens my door, a man with a weird visor standing next to her. A laser shoots out from the visor and cuts through the seat belt.

The woman offers her hand to me. "Come with us."

"Who are you people?"

"We're here to help."

I grab her hand and she helps me out of the truck. The other guy picks up Bill over his shoulder, getting us away from the truck just as it explodes.

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