Chapter 9: Teen Males Under Watch

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Sahasi had a bunch of lionesses guard the tree entrance so no one but him and his family could get in, and Rani couldn't get out. Then he took all the teenage males, and put them in a cave, also being guarded, but by a Rhino. "Why are you doing this!" One teen males asked. "I can't risk any of you mating with my daughter!" Sahasi growled.

"Make sure none of them get out, and if they do, spear them," Sahasi said to the Rhino. He nodded. "This is so unfair!" The males growled.

Sahasi let the adult males go, because they had mates, and were to old for Rani.

Ananda walked up to Sahasi. "Don't you think this is a bit much. I mean, keeping Rani, and the teen males caged up?" Ananda said. "My daughter is to young, and I can't trust those young males," Sahasi growled. "Our daughter. Wait, you even put Baliyo in there?" Ananda asked. Sahasi nodded. Ananda slapped him with her paw. "You are going crazy!" She shouted. She stormed off toward the Tree.

Sahasi went back to the cave, and took Baliyo out. He doesn't need to cage him up, because he is Rani's younger brother. They walked back toward the Tree.

"Why are you doing this!" Rani shouted. "I don't want anyone to mate you again," Sahasi replied. Rani wasn't going to tell him that she forced Kion to mate her, so she just kept quiet, and went to sleep.

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