"*Pant Pant* Хараал ид..." He was short out of breath... After that scene, two bodies were buried: one crushed, the other crisped. It all happened way too fast, two watchers were lost that day. Mongolia stood in front of the two tombstones... "The Watchers" Were special forces, they were agile and mastered the ways of archery.

Most commonly, they defend the kingdom with their towers with their skilled accuracy. There used to be many of them, but the numbers kept decreasing over time. 

Mongolia... was now the last of the Watchers... Because of his trait as the sole survivor, he was given the title "Warden". He didn't find it very pleasing though, it felt as if he was being promoted for outlasting his fellow friends. One thing is for sure, he'll not only fight for the kingdom but his life as well.


The event played in his head, a crumbling sound brought him back to reality. The tower he was in was falling apart, Mongolia thought fast and quickly jumped out right before the tower crushed him... "Woah... So glad that didn't happen to Russia..."

Speaking of Russia, the morning sun was rising, he didn't realize how long he's been reminiscing. "I should return before Russia wakes up..." He thought.

Russia yawns and jumps up from bed. Mongolia was laying face down on the bed beside him. "Morning Mongolia! It's time to wake up!" He violently shook his body. Mongolia was unresponsive, so Russia stood up and hopped on the bed. "Augh, Russia, 5 more minutes..." He was way too exhausted to be dealing with someone so energetic at 7:30 AM.

"Hmm... Okay!" He decided to let him sleep for a while.


"Five minutes are up! Wakey wakey!"

"What? But it's only been 10 seconds... ugh, fine... I'm awake!" He finds the strength to reluctantly get out of bed. "I'll prepare breakfast, after that, it's time we get a move on!" Russia excitedly jumped. "Awesome! About time!" Mongolia chuckled at Russia's eagerness for adventure. He walks to the kitchen to brew some hot tea.

... "Are we packed, ready, and set?" Russia rubbed his chin and looked around. "I think we have everything. So... Yes!" Mongolia nodded his head as they both walked out. "Here, thanks for having us." He gives the room key to the clerk. "Thank you very much, do come again." She politely smiled at them and waved them farewell.

They walked past the playground, and the sound of children laughing and screaming caught Russia's eyes. "Russia! Hey Russia!" A familiar voice called him. It was Beijing, "Hello Russia, you want to play with me again?" He grinned at him. Russia frowned and slightly shook his head, "No, I'm... going home now."

"Oh... well, will I ever see you again?" Beijing asks him. Russia looks at Mongolia, "Hurry up and say goodbye to your friend..." Beijing's eyes traveled to him, "Woah! Is he your dad?" Mongolia's eyes widened a bit from that question. "Actually... he-"

"He looks so cool! Look at this bow, it's so real! And his clothes, wow... it looks exactly alike to what my families wear, and the fabric feels similar too." Mongolia pulled his deel away from the nosy child and cleared his throat, "Russia, we are leaving now..."

"Say... have we... met before?" Beijing asks him, Mongolia was quiet, then pulled Russia away. Russia sadly looks back to see him wave goodbye. It was nice to have a friend, even for a day. "I'm going to miss this Kingdom..." 

"I'm not. Believe me... You're better off far away from it." Russia raised an eyebrow to his distaste. "This has confused me for a while... Why do you hate this place so much?" He asks. Mongolia sighed and debated if he should answer his question or not. "I don't know... It's a little complicated... I had my good moments... but mostly bad ones. There are some things I prefer not to explain... However, it all started with the king, that's all you should know."

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