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Wednesday grabs Daeva's necklace and hands it over to Bianca, the siren takes it from the psychic and examines it.

"it belongs to Daeva. that's the Hadeon family crest and her initials are engraved on the back." Wednesday tells Bianca

"it's not just a necklace, it's a locket"

Bianca opens the crest up and a stone stuck onto the right side of the locket shines against the light. Enid walks over toward them and looks down at the stone, furrowing her brows.

"it looks like sapphire" Enid blurts out

"what?" Bianca questions

"the stone, it's sapphire. that's the September birthstone, but Daeva's birthday is June."

"what does that have to do with anything?" Wednesday asks, failing to see the point in Enid's discovery

"well, if it's not her birthstone, then whose is it?"

"has to be someone special. why would Daeva keep a birthstone that isn't even hers in a locket that means a lot to her." Bianca agrees with Enid's thinking

Enid pulls her phone out and scrolls through Daeva's instagram.

"it's most likely Callisto's then" Enid shrugs as she points the screen toward her roommate and the siren

the two look into the screen and Wednesday raises and eyebrow at the girl who has her arm wrapped so tightly around Daeva. smiles on both their faces.

"who is that?" Wednesday questions

"Callisto Montgomery, captain of the waterpolo team." Bianca answers "it can't be her. Callisto was born in August, a month before that birthstone"

"how are you so sure?" Wednesday inquires

"because Callisto and Bianca used to date before her and Xavier did" Enid jumps in, answering for Bianca

Bianca gives Enid an 'i will kill you later' stare, then turns her gaze back to Wednesday. she shuts the locket close and hands it back to the Addams girl.

"Callisto's dorm is in Juliet Hall. do what you do best." Bianca tells the goth as she walks out of the room

"if i'm going to be honest, i didn't think that Bianca swung that way when it came to dating." Wednesday talks about the siren's sexuality

"Bianca doesn't like labelling things, her sexuality included, and besides, her and Callisto didn't even last long enough for it to actually count" Enid gossips

"hm. if i were Callisto, and my lover hasn't been seen in two days. what would i be doing right now?" Wednesday questions

"i'd be looking all over the school, assuming she cares about Daeva"

"why date someone if you don't care about them? is that not the whole point of a relationship?"

Enid shrugs "Callisto isn't exactly so good with relationships. she gets into them a lot, but they never really last because she stops caring"

"i see. well, let's go and ask."

Wednesday starts to walk toward the door, but Enid stops her

"i can't go with you. i have to do my homework for one of my classes, it counts as a grade. i could ask Bianca to go with you" Enid offers

"i can handle myself. i'll be back in a bit."

Enid nods and walks over to her desk as Wednesday walks out of the dorm. she makes her way over toward the Juliet building and into its halls in a matter of minutes. with no knowledge to where Callisto's dorm is, she stops one of the residents walking out of the building.

"where is Callisto Montgomery's dorm?" she questions.

"312, why are you looking for my sister?" the passer-by asks back

"sister?" Wednesday furrows her brows

"you're Wednesday Addams right? what could you possibly want with Callisto?"

"i just have a few questions."

"yeah, well when you find her let me know" the girl rolls her eyes as she starts to walk away

"you haven't seen Callisto?"

"she's been gone for the last two days. our parents are pissed."

the girl turns back around and sighs at Wednesday.

"i'm Cyra, Callisto's twin sister" the girl introduces herself

now that Wednesday's gotten a proper look at Cyra, she can see the resemblance, only Cyra's hair is black while Callisto's' blonde. ironic since Cyra means sun and Callisto means moon.

"if you see my sister, tell her that her parents are about to disown her." Cyra tells Wednesday as she adjusts her duffle bag strap

Wednesday takes note of the black duffle with the sabre logo on it. Cyra walks away and Wednesday continues down the hall, as she approaches closer toward the waterpolo captain's room, the Juliet Dorms house master comes walking down. Wednesday opens Callisto's room door and quickly gets inside.

Callisto's room is laid out the same as Daeva's, only less messy and crowded. she has a couple of posters hung on the walls, a trophy shelf and that was about it. the twin sized bed was made and on the desk is a tall stack of papers. Wednesday walks over toward the desk and looks through the papers.

"how do you already have this much homework? we just started the semester." Wednesday talks to herself as she sifts through them some more

she sighs as she finds nothing in the papers, she turns her attention to the desk drawer and opens it. a white cloth with spots of red, she grabs a nearby pencil and unfolds the cloth to a bloody hunting knife.

"what were you hiding Montgomery?"

Wednesday wraps the cloth over the knife again and takes it from the desk. she puts it into her satchel and looks around the room for some more clues, but turning up with nothing. Wednesday peeks her head out into the hallway and looks around for anyone close by, with no one around, she makes her swift escape, hoping that Daeva's loop on the cameras are still working.

once she comes back into the dorm, it is quiet. the goth starts to grow concerned, it was too quiet.

"Enid?" she calls out, no response

she walks into Enid's closet and no one is in there. she makes her way over toward her own closet and it's all the same. panic starts to grow within the psychic. she touches everything that belonged to Enid hoping to conjure a vision about the werewolf's whereabouts.

"thing?!" Wednesday shouts in a questioning tone

the appendage comes out from under Wednesday's bed, she looks down at him as she places back Enid's things in the places they were in.

"where's Enid?" she asks trying to keep her calm

"i'm right here" the blonde's voice comes from behind her

Wednesday turns around to see Enid holding a bowl of fruit in one hand and a bowl full of chips and candy in the other. Wednesday lets out a sigh of relief as she walks over toward the girl.

"you made my heart race. do not do that again."

Wednesday pulls the girl in for a hug and Enid hugs her back to the best of her abilities.

"sorry for making you worry, i just went to get snacks. the homework was getting boring" Enid explains

Enid's heart flutters knowing that her roommate was worried about her. Wednesday pulls away from her and she reaches into her satchel, but then she looks at the bowls in Enid's hands and decides not to pull out the bloody knife.

"it can wait. you finish your interpretation of food and i'll get my one hour of writing time in." Wednesday tells her

Enid nods and she walks over to her desk placing the bowls side by side, she sits down and puts on the headphones Wednesday got for her and starts nodding her head along to whatever brain rotting music she was listening to. Wednesday sighs and closes the door.

a/n: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! i hope that 2023 is going to be a great year for everyone. you're all very loved, stay safe and have fun! :)

the only one. || WenclairTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon