who's there?

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Bianca meets up with Wednesday and Enid at the tree line, just before you enter the forest. she walks over with a confused expression mixed in with an impatient one. Wednesday reaches in her satchel for the knife, but then she realizes that she's given it to thing.

"what did you guys text me to come here for?" Bianca questions "news about Xavier?"

"according to Principal Lucio, Xavier appears to be visiting his father in Bucharest." Wednesday tells the siren

"but that can't be right since-"

"his father does not live in Bucharest, nor does he have any affairs in Bucharest." Wednesday finishes Bianca's sentence

Enid bites her cheek as she thinks of why Lucio would cover for Xavier's dissaperance. as far as all three girls know, Xavier didn't know Lucio before he came to Nevermore.

"what do we do now?" Bianca asks

"we ask Xena, don't we? i mean, if Xavier really is with his dad, she'll know" Enid suggests

Wednesday and Bianca look at the girl with pure confusion. they expected that idea to come from each other, not Enid.

"what? was that a stupid idea? if it was please discard that from your memory." the werewolf squeaks

"no, it wasn't. it was just unexpected" Bianca tells her

Enid looks at Wednesday and she can swear she saw flicker of light in those dead eyes. the blonde smiles widely as Bianca and Wednesday infer, trying to figure out a way to make Enid's idea work.

"we'll have to get Xena into the woods. Lucio nor the ministry can find out about this." Wednesday says to the two

As Bianca opens her mouth to respond, Enid whips her head at a twig snap.

"who's there?" the blonde asks, panic clear as day in her voice

Daeva comes out from behind one of the trees, bloody, dirty and a stench that could raise the dead and kill the living.

"Daeva? where the hell have you been?" Bianca asks

"you look like you fought a war and escaped prison Andy Dufresne style" Enid says as she pinches her nostrils close

"i can't talk long. you guys need to get out of here, out of Nevermore. go into Jericho, anywhere but school grounds." Daeva tells them

"why? what's happening?" Enid questions

"i know who Wednesday's stalker is and what happens in a few days, it's all connected."

"who's doing this?" Wednesday asks

but as Daeva opens her mouth to speak an arrow shoots past Wednesday's head and hits Daeva straight into her heart. she falls to her knees and grips on the arrow as she takes one final breath.

the three girls look behind them and a figure in a black robe, much like the nightshades one, runs away from the scene. Bianca falls to the ground and shakes Daeva, calling her name out multiple times.

"Daeva? Daeva! get up!"

but it was no use. Daeva Hadeon is now dead. Wednesday's only source is out of the picture. Enid lets out a shaky sigh and tears start to form in her eyes. Wednesday looks up at the girl and hugs her, Enid rests her head on Wednesday's shoulder as Wednesday looks over at Bianca, unsure of what to do with Daeva's body.

"should we carry her back?" Bianca asks holding back tears

Wednesday's eyes go from Bianca to Daeva's body. the telekinetic, laying there with an arrow in her chest. Enid is the only one out of the three of them strong enough to carry Daeva all the way back into Nevermore, but seeing the state of her, the blonde won't carry Daeva.

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