I've been awake for like an hour just writing this no idk how to title yet

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(LOOK AT MY AXOLOTL PLUSHIE I NAMED IT AFTER ENID BECAUSE SHE WEARS A LOT OF PINK AND OWNS A BUNCH OF PLUSHIES :D. Requested by @8ermion5. Enid's turn for a fever. I wrote half of this during my free time in between exams. SFW+They're already dating+Soft Wednesday is best Wednesday)

Enid walked beside Wednesday, her cheerful demeanor easily overpowering the pale girl's antisocial one. "Oh I should warn you, Enid. Thing was out last night collecting photographs of a few murders, so those may be put on my desk."

"Like dead bodies?"

"More along the lines of dismembered limbs and shredded torsos. It seems the killer's MO is to leave their victims in pieces..." Wednesday got lost in thought for a moment but snapped out of it once she noticed Enid had stopped walking. "Enid? Are you alright?" The blonde stared back at Wednesday, her face looking like she was absolutely petrified, yet her attention seemed elsewhere.

"Wednesday I don't...I don't feel all...right." Wednesday quickly turned on her heel, expecting Enid to faint, and walked back to Enid. Enid felt something drip down her face, leading her to touch it with her hand and getting blood on her fingertips. Her nose was bleeding. Enid opened her mouth to say something but fell forward onto Wednesday instead, who caught her immediately.

"Cucciolo?" Before Enid could attempt another response she passed out, making Wednesday shake her head. "What am I going to do with you?"

Enid jumped up, suddenly feeling hyper aware of herself. She looked around to find that she was in her bed. Had Wednesday carried her there? Enid felt herself get giddy at the idea. She noticed Thing on her desk asleep, or at least she thinks he's asleep. Hard to tell when you're just looking at a hand. "Thing? Where's Wednesday?" Thing jumped up immediately at the sound of Enid's voice, and began tapping out a response. "Oh yeah my nose was bleeding..." Enid brought a hand up to check, brushing her fingers against a tissue that had stopped the bleeding. Enid winced at a sudden throbbing pain in her skull. "Do you know when she's coming back?" Right as Enid said that Wednesday walked into the room, glancing at Enid to give her a small nod as an acknowledgment to her being awake.

"How do you feel?" Wednesday went over to Enid's desk, setting down a small bag. She went over to Enid, carefully sitting on her bed. "Your nose bled from what I assume to be mildly dry air and whatever allergies gave you a fever."

"I've definitely-" Enid winced as the pain from her headache briefly grew more intense. "—been better." Wednesday nodded and turned her attention to Thing on the counter.

"Thing hand me the pill bottles, please." Thing made his way to the bag and found the bottles Wednesday asked for, tossing them to her one after another. Wednesday caught the bottles in one hand. Setting one of the bottles down to open the other, and refocusing on Enid. "Do you drink water while taking a pill? I'll go get some for you if you vc need." Enid went to nod but she didn't want Wednesday to get up, so she shook her head.

"No, I think I'll be okay." Wednesday nodded and handed Enid a painkiller. Enid swallowed the pill, the dry texture making it more unpleasant than she realized.

"Are you alright?" Enid nodded reaching her hand out for Wednesday to give her the other pill, which she swallowed quickly. The pill didn't go down easily making Enid cough as a reflex. Wednesday reached towards Enid worried, but Enid shook her head and grabbed hold of Wednesday's hand.

"I'm alright, Wends." Enid pulled Wednesday's hand down and to her side, pulling Wednesday closer to her as she lifted her free hand to cup the Addams face, kissing her deeply. Wednesday situated herself so she was more comfortable on top of Enid, unintentionally straddling her. "Thank you for taking care of me." Enid smiled as she saw a small hint of pink flush onto Wednesday's cheeks. "What's with that look? I didn't catch you off-guard with the kiss did I?"

"Of course not...you just-I didn't-you were..." Wednesday huffed as she got her words jumbled up. "Shut up." Wednesday kissed Enid softly before getting off her and the bed. "Move over." Enid grinned and scooched to the side so Wednesday could sit next to her. Wednesday lifted the blanket and got under the covers, being quick to throw her arms around Enid. Wednesday happened to notice Thing frantically making his way off Enid's dresser and towards the door. "Calm yourself, Thing. We aren't going to do anything." Despite Wednesday's statement he ignored her and left the room anyways.

"I think that's fair. He's probably witnessed us more than he likes to admit." Enid chuckled, embarrassed, as she pulled Wednesday closer.

"He should still have the competence to know when I'm serious. The poor appendage." Wednesday's lips turned in the ghost of a smile before she gave Enid another kiss. Part of Enid worried that Wednesday could get sick from her, but was content with how caring Wednesday was being.

"What's got you so affectionate?"

"Would you prefer I be cold and distant while you're unwell?" Enid frantically shook her head as she leaned into Wednesday, burying her face in the crook of the shorter girl's neck.

"No, no! Please stay cuddly!" Enid could sense the softness take over Wednesday at the request, as she kissed Enid's forehead before allowing Enid to nuzzle into her. Wednesday raised her hand to Enid's hair, stroking it gently, as if she was petting a small dog. Enid felt herself relax at the simple touch, falling asleep easily.

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