Happy Holidays!

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(Happy holidays everyone! This is intended to be posted closer to Christmas, so if you're reading this late... Ha loser. JK. Sorry the youngest sibling in me came out. Requested by @TomikaSimp12. Enid's mother is homophobic so she goes with Wednesday for the holidays. I started writing this during the last 10 minutes of class. SFW+They're dating already+References to the original movie because there's no way I'm intentionally going to reference a movie with a bowling pin as Wednesday+I can make this cliche if I want *cough* stfu unnamed friend of mine that was dissing on my writing *cough cough*+Homophobia+I forgot how the parents talk and kinda bullshit my way through their dialogue+I researched child abuse laws but not the actor's heights for this lmfao.)

Enid watched as Wednesday put her typewriter into it's case, clipping it shut. It was the last thing Wednesday had to pack, which made Enid's gut wrench. It was a reminder that she had to go home for the winter break, but more specifically the holidays. The holidays normally weren't all that bad, but Enid came out to her family that year. Her mother hasn't spoken to her since, nor the rest of her family. Enid could only hope her mother's influence was preventing them for reaching out. They couldn't all hate her now, right? "Enid you've been silently staring at me while I pack for the past twenty minutes." Enid jumped at the sound of Wednesday's voice cutting through her thoughts.

"O-oh! I just...yeah sorry I was just thinking." Enid quickly finished packing the rest of her plushies, getting started on packing her clothes. Wednesday stood quietly with her arms crossed, studying Enid's actions, as Lurch came to grab Wednesday's cases. Enid's movement was painfully slow and forced, as if gravity was effecting her a thousand times more than everything else. As soon as Enid closed her last case and started to zip it up she broke. She hunched over trying her best not to loudly cry.

"Enid." Wednesday quickly walked over to Enid, grabbing hold of her hand to comfort the wolf. Lurch walked back into the room motioning for Wednesday to leave. "Give us a moment, Lurch. Wait in the hall." Lurch nodded and groaned in response as he stepped out of the room. "Now tell me what's going on, Cucciolo?" Enid looked away from Wednesday, using her free hand to preemptively wipe tears.

"I don't want to go home I-I think my mom is just..." Enid looked at Wednesday, wincing at the small hint of concern on the pale girl's face. "You know how I came out to her?" Wednesday silently grit her teeth, nodding as a reply.

"Yes. You couldn't sleep for two days because of how horrendously she treated you, and I could hardly get you out of bed for at least twelve hours." Enid sighed and rubbed her thumb over Wednesday's hand, making the goth squeeze the wolf's hand reassuringly.

"It's been months and my brothers haven't even glanced at me in the halls. At first I thought it was just them playing a trick on me but then they just didn't stop. They haven't talked to me in months. Not my mom, not my brothers, not even my dad has reached out..." Enid managed to keep her voice steady, yet the dread was eating away at her inside. "I-I just don't know what to do." Wednesday lifted her hand to cup Enid's cheek, pulling her into a gentle kiss.

"What if you stayed with my family for a little while? Our mansion has plenty of spare bedrooms and I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind me bringing you home. Although Pugsely may be a bit annoying..." Wednesday sighed and adjusted her gaze until it linked with Enid's, who was staring back dumbfounded.

"For real? But won't they worry about me sneaking away from my family o-or us?" Wednesday smirked and leaned closer to Enid, whispering into the wolf's ear.

"You worried about them seeing us so close, Amore mia?" Wednesday leaned back quickly to see Enid's reaction, which was a flustered blushing mess of a girl.

"I-what no! I meant us being two girls together!"

"Enid, my family is compiled of various criminals, consisting of a few murderers. I think we have more to worry about than the formalities of whom we date." Enid chuckled softly to herself, she should've expected such a response. "Besides my family really only torments carolers that decide a family home with it's own graveyard is a place to be disturbed during the holidays, so you don't need to worry about being unaware of any traditions."

WENCLAIR ONESHOTSDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora