Mario: Yes!

Daisy: absolutely!

Peach: no doubt about it!

Luigi: uh... sure?

Captain showed Mario Luigi peach and Daisy her ship but it was kinda small

Captain: there she be land lovers! The mighty pea bod!

Daisy tried not to laugh

Mario: I've fixed bathtubs bigger then that boat

Captain: don't fret matey the pea pod is a steady vessel! Now lets way acre and set sale!

The five of them got on the boat. Daisy pulled up the acre, Luigi let down the sails and Mario steered the ship

Mario: alright we're all set!

Daisy: that should do it captain!

Captain: great Job! Daisy you'll be my first mate I can tell you got what it takes!

Daisy: thanks Captain!

Peach walked up to the captain

Peach: what can I do captain?

Captain: keep an eye out for the sea monster! It could come back at any point in time

Luigi got nervous

Peach: right away captain!


Mario Luigi peach Daisy and Captain sailed further out into the sea

Captain: no sign of the sea snake monster yet

Luigi: does that mean we can go home? I'm starting to get sea sick...

Captain: nope! Just mean we have to go a little deeper matey!

Daisy: don't worry Luigi if anything happens to us I'll protect you

Luigi blushed

Luigi: t-thanks Daisy

Peach: captain what do you mean by deeper?

captain: look out below!

The captain dove into the water

Luigi: how is she going to stay down there without scuba gear?

Daisy: you can't breathe underwater where you come from?

Luigi: No!

Daisy: well you can here

Mario: Let's get jumping! If we don't defeat that sea monster Bowser will take over the town!

Daisy: then what are we waiting for?

Everyone dove into the water


The four of them swam to the very bottom of the ocean and caught up to the captain

Captain: there you all are! You ready?

Luigi: i guess! I just hope we see the sea monster before it sees us

Daisy turned around and saw the sea monster behind Luigi

Daisy: it's to late for that

Luigi saw the sea monster and hid behind Daisy.

Peach: SWIM!

Luigi: you don't have to tell me twice!

The five of swam away but the sea monster ate Mario Luigi peach and Daisy

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