Step 8: Eaten by a Barvin

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BANG! Caleb's blinked rapidly and tried to regain his balance.

He was splayed out on a sand dune under a red sun, surrounded by mesas and plateaus. He wore gray rags instead of his normal t-shirt and jeans.

Donovan had face-planted directly into the dune. Caleb couldn't help but notice the way Donovan's rags clung to his well-shaped bottom, which he wiggled as he struggled to free himself from the sand.

Caleb removed the cloth wrapped around his face and coughed, spitting out some sand. "Are you okay?"

Donovan rolled over and growled. "Don't worry about me, sweet cheeks. Where are we? Arizona?"

Caleb saw a human figure running down a sand dune in the distance. He was being chased by a flock of flying creatures. Each one was huge, about the size of a monkey, with long yellow teeth, black wings, and glowing purple eyes. Were those.... Barvins?

Caleb looked at his clothes, the desert around him, and the terrifying space monsters. Putting it all together, a realization dawned on him: they were on the planet Barnemdu from Ruler of the Stars! 

The figure running from the Barvins rummaged through his jacket pockets and started throwing potion bottles at the Barvins. That could only be one person...

"Benson!" Caleb cried. "We have to help him!" He grabbed a staff that looked like it was made of space junk and ran down the sand dune.

Most of the Barvins were curling up to take potion-induced naps. The last Barvin circled over Benson in the air, snapping and drooling. Benson lobbed throwing knives at it but it dodged them all, nimble as a moon deer.

Caleb kicked up a cloud of dust as he slid to a stop in front of Benson. He brandished his staff in front of him, glaring at the Barvin. "Get away from my friend!" he cried.

"Caleb!" Benson's eyes bugged out of his head. "How did you get here?"

The Barvin's purple eyes narrowed and it screeched in anger. It swooped down and struck at Caleb, quick as a snake.

Caleb blocked its bite with his staff. The Barvin's fangs gnashed around the metal stick. A bead of sweat dripped down Caleb's brow as he used every ounce of strength in his spindly arms to brace against the feral beast. "Benson, I can't hold it off for much longer!"

Benson searched his pockets furiously. "I was sure I had one more potion in here!"

Caleb panted with effort. His arms were shaking and he fell to one knee. Purple Barvin saliva dripped on his forehead.

Out of nowhere, a hulking mass launched into the Barvin's head, knocking it away. Caleb gasped and turned to see the identity of his savior.

Donovan! The intrepid bad boy had the Barvin in a headlock as it bucked like a rampaging bull. Donovan held on for 2.7 seconds until it reared up and fell backward, landing its full weight on top of his poor juicy bod. A cloud of sand obscured their wrestling match.

"Take that, you crusty bitch!" Benson yelled as he threw a potion bottle into the fray.

When the dust settled, Caleb rushed over to push the Barvin aside, revealing a limp and lifeless Donovan. His outfit was shredded to bits, showing a constellation of contusions and abrasions scattered across his sweaty torso. And on one shoulder, a gaping gash that was gushing blood.

"Oh no!" Caleb whined. "He got bit!"

Benson turned pale. "We have to take him to the castle before he turns into a Barvin."

Kidnapped by the Bad Boy - A Caleb Joseph storyWhere stories live. Discover now