Shining Stars

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Warning: Some parts may include Mild Language & Light smut. That's all



Everybody shouted and the two monkeys sitting at the booth sweat dropped. Macaque winced at the shout and Wukong reach a hand towards his ears to soothingly massaged them which made Macaque purr. Wukong turned his head towards them and laughed when she saw their faces. She stopped massaging his husband's ears to fully faced the gang, Macaque pouted when he did.

Wukong looked down at her stomach and smiled affectionately has he placed a hand on her lower abdomen. Macaque smiled at the action and embraced his partner and placed a hand on top of hers. Wukong smiled then gave him a light peck on his cheek and nuzzled him has she purred.

Mk watched the married duo with a content smile. He was so happy for them. Lately, he was getting worried about Monkey King since he always seems to be tired and sleeps a lot, not to mention he was eating some pretty weird food and stuff that isn't even food! He shudders, remembering having to stop Monkey King multiple times whenever she does that! Heck, he even stopped her from eating his used up art supplies and Mei and Red Son had to prevent her from digesting jewels and gemstones from the Bull family's private vault! That's when his worry escalated, he was going to ask Macaque if he knew anything about it and was going to recruit Mei, Red Son & Bai He to help him get to the bottom of Monkey King's strange behavior but that was until the news of his pregnancy came up and now everything that happened made sense. Well, mostly.

He watched has they interacted with the others; Sandy, Mei & Bai He asking questions about the baby, Pigsy came out of the kitchen and gave Monkey King a big bowl of noodles with extra toppings and even a huge plate of steamed peach buns and told him to eat then Tang started accusing him of favoritism and Pigsy retorted back with the fact that Monkey King was eating for two now and that he needs the nutrients so him and the baby can stay healthy then he directed that lecture towards Macaque, who grumpily and reluctantly listened has Monkey King laughed at his misfortune and fed him some of his noodles. He was really happy for them; after all the things they went through, both the good and the bad, they deserve to be happy and to have a family together.

As happy as he was for them and he is, he couldn't help the feeling of being replaced somehow. I mean with Monkey King having a kid, a biological one, would that mean that he wants them to be his successor instead of him? It makes sense, they're gonna be the next Monkey King, or Queen, after all so becoming his successor makes complete sense, and not to mention, both Macaque and Monkey King would be too busy getting everything ready for the new baby that they won't have time for him anymore and they will be even busier when the baby is born. But it's okay! He can handle it, he's not some little kid that gets tantrums whenever their parents don't pay attention to them anymore. Parents are overrated! He doesn't need to be coddled or anything! Heck, he's not even their kid and yet, he still couldn't help the feeling of being forsaken and shunned to the side.

He stared down at his clenched fists on his lap has he tried to get rid of the foolish and self-deprecating thoughts swarming his head then he felt a hand on his shoulders. He startled and looked up then relaxed when he saw who it was. Red Son gazed down at him with a blank face but her eyes had a softness to them.

"Whatever you are thinking in that noodle-filled brain of yours, stop it. You look depressing and it makes you ugly."

He commented bluntly has she crossed her arms over his chest. Mk sweat dropped has he nervously laugh and scratched the back of his head. "Oh come on Red, don't be like that," Then he registered the last sentence and turned to him with a glowering expression.

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