Her legs were weak because of jumping from the first floor. All her energy was drained out. She glanced sideways while dragging her feet in the sand.

She clutched torn clothes to her chest. She heard someone shouting from behind. Her eyes went wide in horror and ran with her full strength she had left.

Abusive shouting kept ringing in her ear, but she didn't stop. Her throat was dry, each time she swallowed, her throat burned in agony.

She knew they would follow her and again abduct her; that's why she didn't even stop to take a breath. But she had to put enough distance between her and her pursuers.

The area was foreign to her. There was nowhere she could turn.

She hates nights so much. After sometime, she looked back over her shoulder and saw no one was following her anymore. They had lost her trail.

She sighed and kept walking, not caring about her condition. Tears were flowing through her eyes nonstop. Her hiccups every time she tried taking a breath.

Now rays started illuminating the dark. The sun was rising, and she felt relieved about that. At least she was safe in broad daylight.

She saw those familiar streets where she used to roam around. People looked at her weirdly, and none of them came forward to help her. Why was society cruel to her?

She somehow came in front of the familiar gate, and she knocked on the door. Sometime later, Fatima opened the door and gasped at the horrifying sight of her.

Tara cried out and threw herself into Fatima's arms. She truly can call this place her home. A sense of protection washed over her face.

She looked dry-eyed; she had no tears left. Her body was aching and her face was bruised because of the slapping.

"Oman" Fatima screamed louder for Oman.

"Oman, Oman, look what happened to her?"

"Please wake up Tara." Fatima cried and shaked her.

Oman heard the terrified screams of Fatima. He came outside, and what he saw was even more disturbing.

Many emotions appeared on his face that he never thought existed in him; Sheer disbelief, swiftly followed by horror.

Fatima cried for him to come closer and check Tara.

With wobbling legs, he went near them and set down beside Tara. He was not sure if he should touch her in this condition. He tried not to peek at her exposed breasts.

He badly wanted to know how far those monsters had damaged her. Her lips were bleeding, her cheeks were bruised, and her whole neck was covered with bite marks and bruises.

Fatima clenched her hands in anguish.
"Ohh God!" "Ohh God!"
"Curse him!" "Curse them!"

His fingertips moved to her lips, which were now chapped and dry.

"Tara, open your eyes," Oman cooed, shaking her shoulder and trying to wake her up.

Tara's breath was uneven. Fatima brought a blanket to cover her properly. Carrying her in his arms, he took her into his room and laid her on the mattress.

For the next two days, Tara was unconscious, and Fatima was crying her eyes out.

Oman wanted to hunt those men who had done this dirty deed. His blood boiled thinking about how they had mollested an innocent soul.

Fatima tried asking Tara who did this to her. Tara only shook her head and was too scared to say anything.


"You have to marry her Oman. We can't leave her like this. She is my child," those words roamed around in his head like a toxic poison.

"No, I can't. I am old enough to be her father, not her bloody husband," Oman shouted in anger.

"What happened today will happen again. Think Oman; men will rape her. When they come to know she has no one, they'll think they have a chance to molest her"

Oman looked at Tara, who was clutching Fatima's neck tightly, and Fatima was patting Tara's head.

Oman took Fatima into a corner and whispered slowly.

"I am twice her age, for god's sake, Fatima. At least, think before you speak," he said, taking a quick glance at Tara, who was looking at the ground like it was more interesting than what was happening in front of her.

"Can't you be her husband until she becomes mature? Divorce her then. I.....I will make her divorce you. I promise," she asked, with hope still in her eyes.

Oman shaked his head with clenched teeth.

Fatima didn't want to accept his reluctance. He himself didn't know what would happen in the next moment. The Sultan's men were looking for him in order to kill him. He can't put Tara in danger.

"If you don't marry her, then forget you have a sister," Fatima walked toward Tara with the speed of light, and she jerked Tara on her feet. Pulling her along, she took steps to go out of the house.

"Let's go, Tara; I'll not let you stay here. I will take you with me" she shouted.

"Fatima stop. Don't do this," Oman followed her outside to stop her.

"Ok, you win. Now stop," Oman said.

Fatima looked behind her in disbelief. She walked to him and hugged her brother.

"Thank you, brother."

He can't let them go, knowing Kasim won't accept Tara; he will take advantage of her innocence.
Indeed, it was true. Her beauty always attracts so much attention.

He sat down on a bench, rubbing his palm on his forehead. He was in a strange dilemma.

"Bring Imam here" he stated firmly.

( Imam - an islamic scholar )

Fatima gave him a sympathetic smile.


Oman was in the same clothes, while Fatima made Tara wear a beautiful dress. She was looking like a princess. Tara didn't know what was happening, nor did she protest against it. She trusted Fatima for that.

An Islamic scholar (Imam) announced them husband and wife, and prayer chants whispered by Imam and Hussain. All blessed the wedded couple.

Oman looked at his newlywed wife. Her head was low. She was looking so beautiful, like a doll. He couldn't believe his life had flipped in just one day.

Unexpected and unwanted Tara was thrust into his hands, burdening him with her care. For him, marriage was a prison sentence-just a trap to bind you. Now he has no other choice but to accept his fate.

But for once he wanted to ask is she was okay with this? Will she go with him where he will take her?

Oman decided they will be in a relationship till she became a mature woman. Then he will divorce her. Love was something that was nonexistent in his life and taking care of her for lifetime was something he wasn't sure of.


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