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If you hadn't already put two and two together, Ezrah Lumiére was a huge party girl. Not only because of her extroverted personality and her weird gift to be able to get along with anyone if needed, but because nothing got Ezrah Lumiére up and ready for the day quicker than the words "free drugs and booze." Though, despite how much she'd been hearing about free drugs and booze recently, she hadn't been to a single party since returning from rehab. Not because she was set on getting sober, the thought alone made Ezrah want to laugh. But because all the recent parties in the OBX all took place in the Boneyard; fucking Pogue territory. And if there was one thing stronger than Ezrah's addiction to anything that can get you intoxicated, it was her desire to stay at least ten feet away from Kiara Carrera at all costs.

God, Kiara. The one thing she was dreading about tonight. This was the first time in nearly a year Ezrah was gonna get fuckfaced with someone that wasn't her boyfriend, and she couldn't even be fully excited for it because of that turtle-loving, frizzy-headed bitch.

"Ezrah! Ezrah! EZRAH!" Tommy screamed in her face, clicking his fingers in front of her unblinking eyes, snapping her out of her trance. "The fuck's got you so distracted? I was talking to you."

Ezrah looked up at him with confused eyes, shaking her head as she snapped out of her thoughts and back into reality. "Sorry, babe, spaced out I guess. What was it you were saying?"

Tommy kissed his teeth at her, looking away, eyes latching on to the first attractive female he saw. "Forget about it. I'm getting a drink. Call Alex and get me a packet before I go apeshit."

Right. Ezrah sighed to herself, running her hand through her hair. Not a "Oh, its okay babe", not a "Why you spacing out, babe, what's on your mind?", no. No, of course not. Instead, Tommy took it upon himself to throw orders at her while he went to go fuck some random blonde bitch who was probably way prettier than Ezrah ever was. Regardless, she dialed Alex's line into her phone and waited for an answer.

"Yo, what u want?"

"One pack of C and two E yeah. Come Boneyard."

"Be there in ten."

☆ ☆ ☆

Two pills, four lines and eight beers later, Ezrah was beyond shitfaced. Her vision was blurring every five minutes, her jaw was grinding so much she was half convinced she'd bitten a hole in her gum, she had enough energy to build a whole other planet and her chest was warm and fuzzy - and not in a good way. Sarah hadn't left her side since the second she saw her enlarged pupils, sitting the girl down and making sure she didn't bite her fucking tongue off.

"S...S...S-Sarah..." she slurred, eyes rolling back. Sarah hummed in response and Ezrah jolted foward, eyes opening wide as she realised she'd been zoning out. "Sarah, shit, I-I'm sorry. This-this is a party, you-you-you're supposed to be having fun and instead you're stuck w-with me and I'm ruining it and I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm ruining it, it's okay if you wanna go-" she rambled, eyes tearing up as she suddenly had a huge tide of emotion washing over her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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