Chapter 6: The Next Day

Start from the beginning

Edward came outside and saw what Bill was doing and started mimicking him whenever he snipped at the bush.

"Turn it up Kevin, I can't hear." Bill called to Kevin.

(Y/n) stepped out into the backyard as well, and Edward noticed her. She turned to Edward, and saw him standing near the bush, and her eyes lit up, thinking he was going to make another sculpture.

Of course, Edward didn't want to disappoint her, and started rapidly snipping away at the bush.

Kevin looked out of the window and saw what Edward had done, and he became speechless.


Bill turned around and his arms dropped to his sides, and his mouth fell slightly open.

"I'll be darned..."

Edward had turned the bush into a giant T-Rex, and he stood in front of it, smiling proudly while (Y/n) softly gasped and clapped at his work.

Edward smiled even wider, happy that he was able to make her happy. Most of the garden sculptures he did back home were for her.


Meanwhile, Peg sat on her bed and rewinded the tape to hear her messages.

"They filled the whole tape?" She whispered in disbelief.

"What's going on over there Peg, call me!"


"Hi, it's Marge. Who are they? Call me. Oh, by the way, I hear it's pouring rain in the mountains. You think the kids are okay?"


"Hey there, darlin'! The gals are all in a tizzy about your secret visitors. You can't keep them a secret forever~."



Bill sat in a lawn chair, watching a bowling match on a TV while Edward created another sculpture and (Y/n) watched him. He made four figures that were supposed to represent the Boggs, and another one, standing a bit farther away from the group that looked like a girl.

"Well it's just wonderful Ed. My god, you got the whole family in there don't ya?" Bill commented. "Although, who's the extra one supposed to be?"

Edward shyly pointed at (Y/n), and Bill nodded in realization.

Edward looked down at his hands and realized that he had leaves stuck on them, and tried to pick them out.

"Edward, come here." Kevin said.

He brought Edward to the side of the house and turned on a hose and began to clean off his hands.

"No, no, no! That's a terrible idea, son! Go out to the garage and get the oil can. We don't want him rusting up on us, now do we?"

Kevin dropped the hose and ran off, and (Y/n) came up to Edward and started picking the leaves off of his hands, and Edward smiled gratefully at her.

Just then, Peg came into the yard and saw what he had made, and gasped in shock.

"Oh, Edward you did us?! Oh, Bill, it's us!"

"Yes it is."

As Peg was praising Edward for his work, the woman who played the organ, Esmeralda, peered into the opened gate and was shocked at what she saw.

"It's not heaven he's from." She announced. "It's straight from the stinking flames of hell. The power of Satan is in him. I can feel it. Can't you? Have you poor sheep strayed so far from the path?!"

Edward started walking towards her. "We're not sheep." He told her.

"Don't come near me." The woman said, and backed out of the yard.

Edward just turned around and walked back over to Peg and Bill.

"That's right, go on. Get out of here. Run." Bill said.

*Ding Dong!*

"Edward, don't you listen to her!" Peg exclaimed as she ran to answer the door.

(Y/n) put a hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?"

Edward nodded. "You're not a sheep." He told her.

(Y/n) giggled. "I know. And neither are you."

Edward smiled and (Y/n) reciprocated it.

"Don't worry about her, you two. She's just an old loony, that's all." Bill reassured them.


Peg opened the door to be greeted with the faces of her friends.

"Hi!" They all exclaimed.

"You all are hidin' in there like a bunch of old hermit crabs." Joyce said.

"Hi, Joyce. Hi!" Peg greeted.

"Shame on you, keeping your unusual guests all to yourself. We think that's mighty selfish of you." Joyce announced.

"Oh no, it's just...things have been a little hectic around here that's all." Peg explained.

"That is so sweet of you to want to correct the situation. What time does the barbecue begin?" Joyce asked.

Peg looked at her with confusion. "Barbecue?"

"Well, you intend to show your guests hospitality by introducing them to your friends, don't you?" Joyce stated, as if it was an obvious question.

"I'll bring coleslaw."

"I'll bring dessert!"

"And I...will bring the ambrosia salad." Joyce giggled. "What time was it that you said?"

"What time? Uh...Bill!"

"About 5:00?" Joyce hinted.


"He has been sent first to tempt you!" Esmeralda exclaimed. "But it's not too late. You must push him from you, expel him, trample down the perversion of nature. He already has one victim, don't let him get another!"

Joyce chuckled. "Oh, did you hear that? He's a perversion of nature. Why, isn't that excitin'?"

The other woman giggled and laughed as well, and Esmeralda grunted in frustration before walking off.

The other women waved goodbye to Peg, and left chatting amongst each other, and Peg quickly rushed back inside to tell her husband about the barbecue.

"Bill! Bill!"


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